Mrs. Kuyper’s Guide to MLA Everything you will ever need to know… kind of.
What is “MLA”? Modern Language Association Used in English and other humanities courses Sciences use APA (American Psychological Association) Suggests writing style Puncutation Quotations Documentation
Mrs. Kuyper’s Big Rule for MLA When researching and gathering information from outside sources (meaning not yourself), your paper must include: Citation for the published source Reference to author(s) IN THE TEXT of the paper as his/her idea is being presented
Common Terms Used in MLA Citation: the information given to show publication information for each source used in your paper Works cited: the alphabetized list of your citations found at the end of your paper In-text citation: gives information (author, page number) in the text of the paper
More Common Terms in MLA Signal phrase: describes the material being cited in a sentence of the paper. Page number is then listed in parenthesis at the end of the sentence. See p416 Parentheses phrase: is used if a signal phrase is not; cite the author’s last name and page number in parenthesis after the relevant sentence or statement. See p416
Works Cited in MLA Open to page 423 in Rules for Writers Basically, there is a citation model for EVERYTHING