1 Mine Health and Safety Council Presentation of the 2006/ 2007 Annual Report Rubin Pajoohan Fartak Internatioanl Engineering co. Mine Health and Safety Council Your partner in mine health and safety Date:15/10/2007 Version 2
2 Facilitate sustained improvement of occupational health and safety at mines through focused research, development of policy advice and effective legislation, and the provision of guidance to achieve best practice and a pervasive culture of health and safety. Vision A regulatory framework and climate conducive to safe and healthy working conditions for mineworkers and communities affected by mining. Mission Mine Health and Safety Council Your partner in mine health and safety Rubin Pajoohan Fartak Internatioanl Engineering co.
3CONTENTS OVERVIEW PROFILE STRUCTURE HEALTH AND SAFETY RESEARCH STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES: Key Issues FINANCIAL STATEMENTS GOVERNANCE FINANCE COUNCIL REPORT Mine Health and Safety Council Your partner in mine health and safety Rubin Pajoohan Fartak Internatioanl Engineering co.
4 MINE HEALTH & SAFETY COUNCIL STRATEGIC OVERVIEW PROFILE COMPOSITION Tripartite Council 5 government, 5 labour and 5 employer representatives MANDATE OF THE MHSC Advise Minister on occupational health and safety; Review, develop and recommend legislation to the Minister; Promote health and safety in the mining sector; Advise on health and safety research; Liaise with other bodies concerned with health and safety issues. Mine Health and Safety Council Your partner in mine health and safety Rubin Pajoohan Fartak Internatioanl Engineering co.
5 SIMRACMOHACMRAC Mine Health and Safety Council Stakeholder participation Legislation Regulations Standards Guidelines Health policy Research input Health information Health regulations Research programme Communication Research needs Levy criteria Minister of Minerals and Energy Financial, administration, communication and secretarial support Input from consultants and advisers Audit/Risk Committee HR/Remuneration Committee Mine Health and Safety Council Your partner in mine health and safety Rubin Pajoohan Fartak Internatioanl Engineering co.
6 HEALTH AND SAFETY RESEARCH PROGRAMME Needs: Accident bends : Occupational exposures and disease Accident clarifications (fatalities) Falls of ground } (28%) Rockburst and Seismicity } (28%) Transportation systems and machinery – (28%) General – (44%) Mine Health and Safety Council Your partner in mine health and safety Rubin Pajoohan Fartak Internatioanl Engineering co.
7 HS RESEARCH PROGRAMME (CONTINUED) OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES Silicosis Noise Induced Hearing Loss Tuberculosis HIV and AIDS Mine Health and Safety Council Your partner in mine health and safety Rubin Pajoohan Fartak Internatioanl Engineering co.
8 Strategic Objectives: Key Issues Objective 1:Achievement of the Industry Milestones as set at the 2003 Summit MHSC Interventions: Programmes on rockburst management : R5.8m Elimination of rockfalls : R1.5m Transportation and Machinery R8.7m Programme on Silicosis elimination: R8.7m Noise and dust baseline: R3.4m Programme for the elimination of Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL): R3.0m The Issue: Industry target – Zero fatalities and injuries Industry target – Elimination of Silicosis Industry target – Elimination of Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) Mine Health and Safety Council Your partner in mine health and safety Rubin Pajoohan Fartak Internatioanl Engineering co.
9 Strategic Objectives: Key Issues Objective 2:Promote and drive legislative review MHSC Interventions 5 regulations and amendments to MHSA were promulgated 9 regulations relating to various mining activities were completed 5 Guidelines for mandatory code of practice for different operations were completed 4 genetic topic outstanding The Issue: Developing a strategic legislative agenda Completing the current legislative programmes Mine Health and Safety Council Your partner in mine health and safety Rubin Pajoohan Fartak Internatioanl Engineering co.
10 Strategic Objectives: Key Issues Objective 3:Advice the Minister on mining health and safety issues: MHSC Interventions Rockburst and Seismicity Mini-Indaba held on September 7, 2007 Mini- Indaba report to be submitted to the Minister 5th Biennial Summit for 2007 Theme: Working Together Towards Zero Harm Summit Report The Issue: Identify priority issues: Rockburst and Seisimicity To review the state of health and safety Mine Health and Safety Council Your partner in mine health and safety Rubin Pajoohan Fartak Internatioanl Engineering co.
11 Strategic Objectives : Key Issues The HIV and Aids research A development of performance tool for active case finding for tuberculosis commenced Thibela TB project Objective 4: Advice to the Minister on mining health and safety issues: TB, HIV and AIDS The Issue: MHSC Interventions TB continue to be a major challenge and is increasing HIV prevalence is high in the industry Mine Health and Safety Council Your partner in mine health and safety Rubin Pajoohan Fartak Internatioanl Engineering co.
12 Strategic Objectives: Key Issues Objective 5:Promote and Facilitate the Development of a Preventative Culture to Drive the Health and Safety Agenda The Issues: Develop and implement a promotional strategy for improved health and safety awareness MHSC Interventions Policies: Approval and implementation of a Communications Plan Written Communications: Distributions of books, booklets and information resource packages Distribution of MHSC Newsletters (4000 copies) Distribution of the Ten Tick Guide on Health and Safety Strategies Mine Health and Safety Council Your partner in mine health and safety Rubin Pajoohan Fartak Internatioanl Engineering co.
13 Strategic Objectives: Key Issues Objective 6:Promote and facilitate the development of a preventative culture to drive the health and safety agenda Events: The MHSC Promoted a culture of Occupation health and safety at the following events: Mines Safety EXPO, Orkney – 3 November 2006 Noshcon, Sun City – 15/17 November 2006 and Tripartite HIV and AIDS Summit, Randburg – 21 November 2006 Thibela TB Project Launched by Minister. Mine Health and Safety Council Your partner in mine health and safety Electronic Communications Distristribution of more than 800 informative CDs and DVDs Rubin Pajoohan Fartak Internatioanl Engineering co.
14 MHSC Safety Achievement Flag Ultra Deep Gold and Platinum Mines Blyvooruitzicht Gold Mines (DRD Gold Mines) Shallow to Deep Gold and Platinum Mines Fairview Gold Mine Coal Mines Greenside Colliery (Anglo Coal, Anglo American) Other Mines Assmang Manganese Mine Health and Safety Council Your partner in mine health and safety Rubin Pajoohan Fartak Internatioanl Engineering co.
15 MHSC Safety Awards Gold mine 8 Mines: 1-9 Million Fatality Free Shifts Platinum Group Metals Mine 21 Mines: 1-5 Million Fatality Free Shifts Coal Mines 5 Mines: 1-5 Million Fatality Free Shifts Other Mines 3 Mines: 2-5 Million Fatality Free Shifts Mine Health and Safety Council Your partner in mine health and safety Rubin Pajoohan Fartak Internatioanl Engineering co.
16 Strategic Objectives: Key Issues Objective 7:Ensure effective and operation of the MHSC MHSC Interventions Consulting Company was appointed in September 2007 Objectives: To review the functioning of MHS To Propose functions, business process and structure The Issue: MHSC to comply with MHSA and other relevant legislation, policies and national and international standards Mine Health and Safety Council Your partner in mine health and safety Rubin Pajoohan Fartak Internatioanl Engineering co.
17Governance Qualified Audit by Auditor General Basis for Qualified Opinion Accounting system Property, Plant and Equipment Useful lives and residual values of assets Research assets Fixed assets register Emphasis of Matters Fruitless and wasteful expenditure Mine Health and Safety Council Your partner in mine health and safety Rubin Pajoohan Fartak Internatioanl Engineering co.
18 Council Financial Report OPERATING RESULTS 2007 (2006) Council posted a surplus of R4.4m in 2007(2006: R4.4m) 0%y/y REVIEW OF OPERATIONS Research Account Levies amounted to R43.1m in (R37.6m) 15% y/y Research Expenditure amounted to R34.6m in (R29.4m) 18%y/y Contribution to administration R5.7m in (R5.1m) 12% Administration Account State funding amount R4.4m (R4.2m) 5% y/y Levy funding amount to R5.7m (R5.1m) 12% y/y Expenditure amounted to R12.8m (R14.5m) – 12% y/y Administrative Fine Fund Fines received amounted to R0.6m (R0.6m) 0% y/y Expenditure amounted to R0.3m (R0.6m) -50%y/y Mine Health and Safety Council Your partner in mine health and safety Rubin Pajoohan Fartak Internatioanl Engineering co.