Gymnasium & Phys.Ed Rules & Regulations
Entering the gym Slowly Quietly Change in gym clothes Return to assign seating
Locker room Must be kept CLEAN! Noise free Scent free Use lockers for personal belongings Not responsible for lost or stolen articles!
Clothing Appropriate gym clothes is a must! School dress code apply for phys.ed class!
Jewelry & Piercings For your safety, some jewelry shouldn’t be worn for Phys.Ed class.
Equipment room
Gym offices
Storage room
Gym equipment Do not touch without gym teacher permission!
… of class. 3 to 4 minutes to get to the gym and get changed
… of class Teacher will let you go a few minutes before the end of Phys. Ed class Don’t be late for your next class!
Intramurals Gym clothes is optional Gym shoes are mandatory!
School Teams Tryouts Varsity & Junior varsity
Athletic Leadership