15 October 2013 CHANTI Status Report F. Ambrosino, T. Capussela, D. Di Filippo, P. Massarotti, M. Mirra, M. Napolitano, L. Roscilli, G. Saracino Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”, and INFN Sez. Napoli CHANTI Status Report
OUTLINE FEE noise preliminary LNF Vessel mechanical design 15 October 2013 CHANTI Status Report
FEE noise preliminary LNF 15 October 2013 CHANTI Status Report
Testing CHANTI board in crate CHANTI board tested in the low noise Wiener crate High and low voltage supplied by crate. An oscilloscope acquired output waveforms in two configuration: Single channel self-trigger Crate switching trigger 15 October 2013 CHANTI Status Report
5 mV/div Testing CHANTI board in crate CHANTI board tested in the low noise Wiener crate High and low voltage supplied by crate. An oscilloscope acquired output waveforms in two configuration: Single channel self-trigger Crate switching trigger 15 October 2013 CHANTI Status Report
Testing CHANTI board in crate CHANTI board tested in the low noise Wiener crate High and low voltage supplied by crate. An oscilloscope acquired output waveforms in two configuration: Single channel self-trigger Crate switching trigger 15 October 2013 CHANTI Status Report 5 mV/div
Testing CHANTI board in crate CHANTI board tested in the low noise Wiener crate High and low voltage supplied by crate. An oscilloscope acquired output waveforms in two configuration: Single channel self-trigger Crate switching trigger 15 October 2013 CHANTI Status Report 2 mV/div
Testing CHANTI board in crate CHANTI board tested in the low noise Wiener crate High and low voltage supplied by crate. An oscilloscope acquired output waveforms in two configuration: Single channel self-trigger Crate switching trigger 15 October 2013 CHANTI Status Report 2 mV/div
Testing CHANTI board in crate CHANTI board tested in the low noise Wiener crate High and low voltage supplied by crate. An oscilloscope acquired output waveforms in two configuration: Single channel self-trigger Crate switching trigger Noise lower than 5 mV peak to peak 15 October 2013 CHANTI Status Report
Testing CHANTI board in crate CHANTI board tested in the low noise Wiener crate High and low voltage supplied by crate. Then we studied the noise induced by the cable from the flange to the CHANTI BOARD (an amplification 25X is applied to the input signals). To reduce this noise we applied (following G. Corradi suggestion) an RC filter to the shield in order to cut the common mode current. After some test in Naples and at LNF the noise has been quoted to be of the order of 25mV The cable induced noise depends by the ambient condition: today evening test at ECN3 15 October 2013 CHANTI Status Report
15 October 2013 CHANTI Status Report ToT board for CHANTI: some change
ToT board some reminds 15 October 2013 CHANTI Status Report The standard ToT board has Gain = 3 (5) X Hysteresis = 3 mV in order avoid false trailing due to noise Leading Thr Trailing Thr Hysteresis Threshold at 10 mV Hysteresis at 3 mV Hysteresis must compare with noise level!
ToT board for CHANTI: some change 15 October 2013 CHANTI Status Report Since the noise picked-up by the cables is pre-amplified by the CHANTI board, the level of hysteresis seems not adequate for our purposes. Change have been applied to the ToT board: Gain = 3 and Hysteresis = 9 mV, threshold with the same granularity of the unmodified board 2 physics channels modified 4 channels Gain = 1 and Hysteresis = 9 mV, threshold with smaller granularity by a factor 3 wrt the unmodified board, effective hysteresis 27 mV 2 physics channels modified 4 channels
ToT board for CHANTI: some change 15 October 2013 CHANTI Status Report At LNF the mezzanines have been tested with the pulser for a threshold scan obtaining: In agreement with the unmodified mezzanine
ToT board for CHANTI: some change 15 October 2013 CHANTI Status Report At LNF the mezzanines have been tested with the pulser for a threshold scan obtaining: In agreement with the unmodified mezzanine
ToT board for CHANTI: some change 15 October 2013 CHANTI Status Report At LNF the mezzanines have been tested with the pulser for a threshold scan obtaining: Scaled by a factor 3 wrt unmodified mezzanine
ToT board for CHANTI: some change 15 October 2013 CHANTI Status Report At LNF the mezzanines have been tested with the pulser for a threshold scan obtaining: Scaled by a factor 3 wrt unmodified mezzanine
ToT board for CHANTI: some change 15 October 2013 CHANTI Status Report The effect of the Gain modifications are clear but, in order to test the effect of the Hysteresis changes, other tests have been scheduled at LNF next week: the idea is to pulse the ToT board using an input signal with a fast fall time but a very slow rising time ( Ο 50 ns) The noise tests at ECN3 this evening should clarify if we can leave or not the G = 3
Vessel mechanical design 15 October 2013 CHANTI Status Report
Vessel mechanical design Meeting at CERN (September 17 th ). Very useful to fix the design. The system will be composed by two rectangular shaped chambers and an intermediate pipe, welded on both sides. It will be transported after welding and positioned as a single rigid body thanks to a common support plane, where all (x,y,z,angles) regulations will be possible. CHANTI-6 will be fine aligned to the other stations using custom adjustable supports inside the vessel. There will be one fixed point very close to GTK-3 and sliding feet downstream. The fixed point will hold the ≈600 kg downstream vacuum force due to the difference between the input flange diameter and output flange diameter. Input pipe/flange, intermediate pipe and output pipe/flange will be manifactured at CERN. 15 October 2013 CHANTI Status Report
Vessel mechanical design (2) 15 October 2013 CHANTI Status Report Feet (waiting design from Olivier) Fixed point Pump port Sliding feet
Vessel construction timeline 15 October 2013 CHANTI Status Report Technical drawing of the «small» vessel for CHANTI-6 ready and in pipeline of the NA Mechanical Workshop Drawings and part of material of the pieces expected from CERN already sent to Victor. Design for the support plane to be finalized yet, waiting for detailed feet design from Olivier Assembly of the whole object likely to be done in Napoli before end of March Then vacuum tests and positioning of the six CHANTI stations. Expected delivery to CERN by mid June 2014
A note on acceptance 15 October 2013 CHANTI Status Report It is very important that no material is placed in the acceptance of the first CHANTI station, especially at high angles where very low energy particles are going to be emitted/detected Contacts with GTK designer (J. Degrange) to ensure this See plot Reduced PCB size, still some interference from screw Actual acceptance 1.32 rad (due to the shape of the CHANTI bars)
Conclusions Final version of CHANTI board completed and tested. In 1-2 weeks the orders will be placed. We can start working on DCS ! (same firmware as LAV-ToT boards). In few weeks the ToT boards modifications will be decided Vessel design 90% frozen, small vessel construction in the pipeline. 15 October 2013 CHANTI Status Report