Below is a detailed process of how the Iron gong vase is being produced.
Tools that are used
Material used
The producer starts by cutting the material (flat corrugated sheet) using a sharp iron rod
After cutting, he uses a stencil to draw out the shapes on the material
Cutting out the shapes.
After cutting to shapes, the edges are folded with the aid of an iron rod / stone.
Bending the edges with the aid of the Iron rod and stone.
Measuring the cut out pieces to dimension to see if they match exactly with each other.
After cutting to dimensions, matching, he prepares the fire side ready for heating.
One persons keep on supplying oxygen with a local air pump (hand bellows) while the other holds the cut pieces in the fire.
After heating to a high temperature red hot, he removes the two joined pieces put it on a stone, hit with an Iron rod for the two pieces to stick together.
Joining the two pieces
The two separate gongs have been produced. He have to join them together to form a double iron gong.
He joins the two edges together and heat it on the fire.
After heating at a high temperature, he puts it on a stone and hit with a iron steel for proper joining.
Finishing touches. Moulding to shape and dimensions.
Finished product ready for the customer.