Tardy Policy (The Joseph Medrano Rule) This is a policy will take go into effect again starting TODAY, this very minute. If any student is not in their seat by the time the bell rings they will be marked tardy, no exceptions! If a student comes into class after the bell rings, no matter what the circumstances, if I do not receive a tardy pass, the student will be marked tardy. If PE is the period before mine, I suggest you run.
Gum Rule (The Sergio Sosa Rule) Gum chewing is not allowed in my class. Anyone who chews gum in my class must be prepared to stay after school and and scrape gum off my desks.
Food RulesFood Rules No food in my class. If I find you are eating food in class, even if its one bite, and you totally forgot, you owe me a nutrition break of picking up trash under my supervision. This goes for passing period as well, no food in class unless I bring it in.
Rules About ConductRules About Conduct It is never appropriate to: Intentionally bother or annoy any student or students in class. Talk while I or another student is talking. Read books or do other work in the middle of class work without permission. Say shut up to any student, joking or not. GET UP OUT OF YOUR SEAT DURING CLASS FOR ANY REASON.
Hand Raising PolicyHand Raising Policy If you are raising your hand, you are automatically agreeing to the following stipulations 1.When called upon, you will be ready with a response. 2.You may not get called on and need to display class, respect, and patience. 3.You will not make noise, yell, stomp, make faces, or do anything to express displeasure by not being called on next. 4.If you are not called on, you may not quickly yell out what you were going to say anyways.
Leaving Class Policy (The Marroquin Laws) Sometimes we need to work all the way up until the bell, which means: If we are working, you are not packing up. The bell does not dismiss you, I do. If I see shavings, pencils, pens, utensils, paper or trash on my floor, the whole class stays until it is cleaned up. Consider picking up trash that may not be yours in order to leave in a timely manner.
Homework PolicyHomework Policy Other homework being due will never be an allowable excuse for not getting my homework done. If I do not see the finished product of your work, it is as if it was never done at all. Late homework assignments are the product of irresponsibility or poor time management. If there was an emergency, I need to have a note on the day the assignment was due. Never hand an assignment to me personally in class, just inform me that it has been put in my basket.
Absence PolicyAbsence Policy Use whatever means necessary to get missing work assignments or sheets as soon as possible. Any extra curricular reasons for absence are never an excuse to turn in late work. Recitals, plays, tournaments, and games are all things you choose to do IN ADDITION to schoolwork, not in spite of. You have the amount of days you have been absent to clear up any missing assignment before it is counted as late.
All this being said…All this being said… These rules make up “living document” like the Constitution or the Bill of Rights, which means they can be updated as the need arises. Everyone in this class has been given on opportunity to achieve success individually and as a group. Every grade a student earns in this class is the product of their work and conduct and not anything else. The grade I give is the grade you have earned.