1 Information meeting about independent work / master thesis Kenneth Fjell, Dean Questions after the meeting: Contact the Information Centre or the Library
2 Practical matters –Inger Marie Milde Advice from faculty about the writing process –Kenneth Fjell
3 Deadlines March 15th / October 15 th: Application for supervisor (All should apply) supervisor.aspx supervisor.aspx September 1st /Sign up for Exam and Thesis February 1st: xxxTHE December 20th/ June 20th:Deadline for submission
Electronic publishing Your thesis can be made available for all through electronic publishing If you do not want to publish it you do not sign the agreement when you submitt your thesis Information Library – homepage: 4
5 Submission of thesis Three copies – to the Information Centre (hardcover or booklets) + Electronic submission (by midnight the same day) as PDF file:
Advice from faculty Student Pages - Thesis: How to find a topic Write alone or together with one other student (if different main profiles, then both profiles must be satisfied by the thesis. Advisor decides.) Useful aids in the writing process Sources and references Grading 6
Online surveys NHH uses a survey tool named Qualtrics to do online surveys. NHH students may use the tool for free (limited to 6 months) If individuals can be identified directly or indirectly, you must apply to the NSD for permission to collect/store data: Good tool if you need to use online surveys for collecting your data. Interested - contact: 7
Working empirically (i.e. with data) 1.Research question 2.Find exisiting data 3.Find literature 4.Make an outline 5.Collect your data 6.Analyze your data 7.Write main body 8.Write conclusion 9.Write introduction More details on next slide 8 Data come in various forms -Quantitative (numbers) -Qualitative, ordered (big, bigger, biggest) -Qualitative, unordered (red, blue, green) -Primary (you gather them) -Few sources in depth, e.g. interview/ case- study/ observation -Many sources in brief, e.g. survey -Secondary (someone else gathered them) Repeat until satisfied
Literature review and theoretical work Literature review Should be a synthesis (not a mer recapitulation) or a meta-analysis Must contribute something (involve something new) Framework Mathematical modeling (e.g. agency theory, game theory)
11 Questions?