The Case Method Applying, Analyzing, and Communicating MKT 6800
What is a Case Study? Presents events experienced by a firm Puts you In driver’s seat Make decisions about future strategic directions
Why Subject You to This? Expose to unfamiliar situations Flex your decision-making muscles Show what you have learned
Analyzing a Case Review Background Define Problem Identify Strategy Alternatives Analyze Alternatives Recommend Strategy
Review Background Summarize key info Identify critical incidents Keep it brief!
Define Problem What is marketing problem (or opportunity) company now faces? Summarization of case via background brings you to this point Brief, no more than1 paragraph
Identify Strategy Alternatives Do SWOT Analysis for snapshot of current situation Identify 3 marketing strategies for evaluation Status Quo can be an option… maybe
Analyze Alternatives Evaluate each strategy option What are pros and cons of each option? Lay out facts to prep you for decision Include supporting evidence
Recommend Strategy Make a Recommendation… And only 1 recommendation! Make case for superiority of your strategy
To Write a Good Case Analysis… Be complete Avoid rehash of case facts Make realistic assumptions Identify problems, not symptoms Don’t assert a decision before its time Discuss pros and cons of each alternative Take a stand – Make a decision! Link decision with case evidence