iSpheresImage iSpheresImage Feature Overview and Progress Summary
iSpheresImage Welcome to iSpheresImage Overview Features Current iSpheres In Development
iSpheresImage Overview To manage the storage, organisation, and publication of large collections of Images and associated metadata for multiple users. iSpheres addresses for images: Customisation and bulk management of Metadata Publishing, privacy and copyright issues Creation of images, for presentations, publications and other software
iSpheresImage Overview Connect multiple digital repositories via iSpheresCore Access to multiple digital repositories including: image & video collections eLearning systems Publications etc..
iSpheresImage Overview Funding from TIF grants Pays for development costs Open Source Publicly available at: PHP v MySQL v Platform Independent
iSpheresImage Features – Image Management Add, remove images owned by you. Edit metadata on your images Administrators can customize the metadata (more later) Share images between users Publish images publicly on the internet.
iSpheresImage Features – Image Management Bulk import of image files Add large collections of images in folders automatically to the database. Create Image Albums to Help manage sub collections Create slide shows in Flash Html Generate images to specific sizes Link locations to GoogleMap
iSpheresImage Features – Metadata Management Customise your own metadata using Database and Configuration file Bulk Metadata Management using XML allows users: Insert new images and associated metadata Update existing records
iSpheresImage Features - Copyright Manages Copyright. Automatically adds either the global predefined copyright or an images specific copyright message to the generated image file. Allows administers/owners to maintain control on publication of images denoting which are public, for internal use only or private to a specific individual.
iSpheresImage Other Features File indexing Images can be renamed or moved, system finds them through checksums Image caching Allows for faster image retrieval during searches Faster download times
iSpheresImage Current Users Department of Archaeology Faculty of Architecture Projects underway School of Biological Sciences Wilson Museum Connecting iSpheresImage to iSpheresCore
iSpheresImage In Development Connectivity to ISpheresCore is due soon. This will allow for communication between multiple iSpheresImage collections. Expanding the way Metadata is handled to allow for connection to collections with minimal configuration.
iSpheresImage In Development Other New Features: Record Duplications New functions for the Flash Slideshow More user focused changes based on feedback from current users.
iSpheresImage More Information Documentation: Developer documentation Site Map: mage_Site_Map.pdf Data Dictionary onary.pdf File Dependancies Doc/File_Dependancies.pdf
iSpheresImage More information General Links: Home Site: Sourceforge: Wiki: iki/index.php/ISpheresImage