The policy playing field The voluntary & community (third) sector and local engagement Robert Beard Improving Local Partnerships Policy Adviser NAVCA, The Tower, 2 Furnival Square, SHEFFIELD S1 4QL +(0)
Policy context – localisation Government policy is to shift power to make decisions about local issues from Westminster to local areas
Policy context – localisation Government wants local decisions to be informed by the local experience, knowledge and expertise of voluntary & community sector organisations (VCOs)
Policy context – local strategic partnerships Local strategic partnerships (LSPs) have been set up in every local authority area, to bring together the public, private and third sectors
Policy context – local area agreements Each LSP in the region has negotiated a local area agreement (LAA) with Government Office for Yorkshire (GOYH) and the Humber, setting out local priorities
Policy context – local area agreements LAAs targets based on 189 (formerly 198) national indicators (NIs) Up to 35 ‘local priorities’ Other ‘local indicators’ Progress assessed against the full national indicator set (NIS)
Policy context – national indicators NI 6: participation in regular volunteering NI 7: environment for a thriving third sector NI 8: adult involvement in sport NI 4: % of people who feel they can influence decisions in their locality
Opportunities for the voluntary & community sector VCOs can work with local infrastructure organisations (LIOs), including county sports partnerships, to contribute to the localisation of service design and delivery
Opportunities for the voluntary & community sector VCOs and their members have knowledge, experience, expertise and track-record in providing services to ‘need to reach’ groups, plus commitment to their areas
Opportunities for the voluntary & community sector Duty to promote democracy – access to ‘need to reach’ groups and empowering those furthest from decision making to ensure their voices are heard
Opportunities for the voluntary & community sector The economic downturn may offer the voluntary & community sector an opportunity to present itself as the best value option for delivering services
Comprehensive area assessment progress & prospects single assessment process 6 partner inspectorates led by Audit Commission
Comprehensive area assessment citizens at the centre reduce inequalities / address discrimination /
Demonstrate increasing cross- sector partnership working on local issues and challenges Comprehensive area assessment
effective delivery of local services experience and perceptions the right services? meeting needs of disadvantaged? prospects for meeting targets
Comprehensive area assessment green flag for achievements red flag for concerns ‘oneplace’ reporting website
Comprehensive area assessment Voluntary & community sector officers and representatives need to engage with CAA, to maximise the sector’s involvement in and influence on local public services
Improving Local Partnerships Unit (ILP) works with LIOs supporting them to develop skills, knowledge and understanding to engage authentically, effectively and accountably with public partners in local decision making
ILP resources:
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The policy playing field The voluntary & community (third) sector and local engagement Robert Beard Improving Local Partnerships Policy Adviser NAVCA, The Tower, 2 Furnival Square, SHEFFIELD S1 4QL +(0)