FARMER’S LUNG Kayla, Jessie, Vanessa!
Causes! Breathing mouldy spores of hay closed space without good ventilation — such as a barn in the winter it's the mould that grows in baled hay extrinsic allergic alveolitis, is an immunologically mediated inflammatory disease of the lung involving the terminal airways
Symptoms! increased coughing and bringing up more mucus (phlegm) than usual fever and sometimes chills feeling short of breath discomfort in the lungs, a tightness and/or pains in the chest
How common is the diseases? Anyone who is allergic to the hay mould spores and breathes air filled with hay mould spores. Not very common
How is it treated? The main treatment is to stay totally away from hay mould spores. Medication may help your symptoms, but you can't completely get rid of your symptoms if you still spend time near mouldy hay.
How to avoid? Use a milking parlor to keep feeding separate, and get someone else to feed the herd. Use a free stall or open barn system along with excellent barn ventilation. Feed haylage (a fermented animal feed). Use mould inhibitors. Get out of farming. May help, but not foolproof; each farmer's solution must be individualized.
What if you think you have it? GET HELP! From a medical professional.
TRUSTWORTHY???? z/farmers-fermier/index_e.php The mission of the Canadian Lung Association is to lead nationwide and international lung health initiatives, prevent lung disease, help people manage lung disease and promote lung health z/farmers-fermier/index_e.php overview overview The site is designed primarily for use by qualified physicians and other medical professionals