EUROCHILD Members Exchange Seminar 2007 Promoting Children’s Rights through Positive Parenting Policies FAMILIES MATTER: SUPPORTING FAMILIES IN NORTHERN.


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Presentation transcript:


AIMS OF THE PRESENTATION Current policy context for Parenting and Family Support Initiatives – 10 Year Children and Young People’s Strategy Supporting Pillar – Families Matter: The Draft Regional Family and Parenting Strategy for NI Priority Themes – Actions CiNI Response

OUR CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE – OUR PLEDGE A TEN YEAR STRATEGY FOR CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE High Level Strategic Outcomes: Be healthy Living in safety and with stability Enjoying, Learning and Achieving Contributing positively to community and society Experiencing Economic and environmental well- Being Living in a society which Respects Children’s Rights

PLEDGES Government will offer support to parents, carers and families to ensure that they are able to take primary responsibility for their children and to assist them with the challenging task of parenting, where this is required. We will also work to energise communities so that they too can play a supportive role for the benefit of children and young people. Government is committed to respecting and progressing the rights of children and young people in NI and will be guided and informed by the UNCRC.

FAMILIES MATTER: SUPPORTING FAMILIES IN NORTHERN IRELAND – A REGIONAL FAMILY AND PARENTING STRATEGY Aim of Families Matter: To create confident, responsible and empowered parents, through access to support and information; to develop the ability and skills of parents and to support their children so they can reach their full potential and become active citizens within their community and society. We will also promote integrated partnership working to develop and deliver appropriate seamless services for families and children.

PRIORITY THEMES Parental support Access to information Assessment of needs Information Sharing Integration and Multi-Agency working

PRIORITY THEME – PARENTAL SUPPORT Positive Parenting Proposed Actions: Increasing the provision of parenting classes on positive parenting and anger management Initiate an information campaign to increase parents awareness of the alternatives to physical punishment and encourage professionals to highlight alternatives to physical punishment Issue guidance to professional groups on the change of law and the importance of promoting positive parenting initiatives

PRIORITY THEME – PARENTAL SUPPORT Parenting Education Proposed Actions Increase the provision of parenting education programmes to assist with child health and development, household management and stress management Implement generic quality standards framework for all providers of parenting and family support services Support the establishment of parenting networks and outreach support through collaborative working and benchmarking of existing parenting education provision

PRIORITY THEME – ACCESS TO SERVICES AND INFORMATION Proposed Actions: Design and implement a Regional Information Database so that parents and professionals can readily access information on services available and to assist them with timely referrals. Provide a fully responsive regional helpline to enable parents to obtain timely advice and support

PRIORITY THEME – INTEGRATION AND MULTI-AGENCY WORKING Proposed Actions: Establish 6 new Children’s Centres allowing parents to gain access to a wide range of services in a way that is convenient for families and promotes inter-agency and multi-disciplinary working for the benefit of children