Learning Review Chapter 6
O Identify the father of classical conditioning and the father of operant conditioning. 1. Ivan Pavlov 2. BF Skinner
O What has occurred when you have learned not to respond to repeated presentation of stimulus? O Habituation
O I prefer Tide (a stimulus) to other detergents simply due to the fact that I’ve been exposed to it more. What concept is illustrated here? O Mere exposure effect
O What type of learning was illustrated in the Bobo Doll Study and who conducted it? O Observational/Bandura
O What type of learning (demonstrated by Kohler) is when problem solving occurs by means of a sudden reorganization of existing perceptions? O Insight
O Which psychologist is credited with the concepts of concept maps and latent learning? O Edward Tolman
O This is when you remove an aversive stimulus in order to increase the chance of a behavior happening again. O Negative reinforcement
O This is when you remove an appetitive or good stimulus in order to decrease the chance of a behavior happening again. O Negative punishment/omission training
O Slot machines are based on this schedule of reinforcement. O Variable ratio
O Which type of reinforcement is least resistant to extinction? O Variable
O Give an example of a secondary reinforcer. O Money
O What concept did John Watson demonstrate in his Baby Albert study when Albert showed fear of many white, fuzzy things? O Stimulus generalization
O In Pavlov’s studies, what served as the unconditioned stimulus? O Food
O In Watson’s Baby Albert Study, what did the white rat serve as (there are two answers)? O Neutral stimulus and conditioned stimulus
O What is the reappearance of a CR, after a rest period, in response to the CS? O Spontaneous recovery
O What is the form of behavioral learning in which the probability of a response is changed by its consequences? O Operant conditioning
O Is classical conditioning voluntary or involuntary? O Involuntary