Our childhood Go outside and don't come in until dinner time !
Today’s children Today 50% decline in outdoor activities 9 hours less per week than 25 years ago
Trends -Less freedom -Schedules -Fears -Media -Less access
Consequences Impacts -Obesity -Stress -Hyperactivity -“Culture of depression”
Benefits Nature Play Children are -happier -healthier -smarter
Benefits II Benefits -Creativity -Confidence -Collaboration -Less stress -School
Family Opportunities Good for families -Quality time -Bonding -Affordable
How? Discovery -Camps -Local parks -Programs -Home activities
The American Camp Association is a partner of Nature Rocks.
American Camp Association The mission of the American Camp Association ® (ACA) is to enrich the lives of children, youth and adults through the camp experience.
is part of Nature Rocks
Nature Rocks 14 Nature Rocks To inspire & empower parents Partners REI Nature Conservancy US Fish & Wildlife American Camp Association (ACA) American Heart Association Founded by Children & Nature Network (C&NN) ecoAmerica
Our Camp’s Family Activities and Programs
What You Can Do Join us as a partner to build the Nature Rocks campaign! Tell others about the family programs, activities, and events offered at [CAMP NAME]. Help us get the word out about the importance of the camp experience. Incorporate ACA’s Green Spoken Here pledge program in your home. Circulate information about Nature Rocks, such as the flyer and Nature Rocks seasonal activity guides. Become a “fan” of the following Facebook pages and encourage your friends to do the same: (Nature Rocks) (American Camp Association) [YOUR CAMP’s Facebook URL)
“I have a conviction that a few weeks spent in a well-organized summer camp may be of more value educationally than a whole year of formal school work.” Charles Elliot, former president of Harvard University