Work package 7 Dissemination and Concertation EuropeanaConnect Plenary Meeting Berlin, 10-12 May 2010 Monika Segbert, Eremo srl.


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Presentation transcript:

Work package 7 Dissemination and Concertation EuropeanaConnect Plenary Meeting Berlin, May 2010 Monika Segbert, Eremo srl

Objectives EuropeanaConnect Plenary Meeting, Monika Segbert, Eremo srl, Berlin, May 2010

Provide access to EuropeanaConnect results and related developments for project partners and an external professional audience through project web site and dissemination activities Work in concertation with Europeana v1.0 by participating in Europeana v1.0’s Europeana Cluster Comms Group Coordinate the planning of concertation events planned and carried out by other EuropeanaConnect work packages. Objectives EuropeanaCon nect Plenary Meeting, Monika Segbert, eremo srl, Berlin, may 2010

Dissemination in practice TASK 1 Template for a Dissemination plan to be used by EuropeanaConnect and Europeana v1.0. Quarterly update it to include feedback of all partners’ dissemination activities TASK 2 Project web site, project presentation, fact-sheet and project leaflet EuropeanaCon nect Plenary Meeting, Monika Segbert, eremo srl, Berlin, may 2010

Dissemination in practice TASK 3 Work closely with the Europeana v1.0 dissemination team on all aspects of dissemination, including participation in the Europeana Cluster Comms Group. TASK 4 Coordinating concertation of all EuropeanaConnect partners with other EU activities, participating in events and meetings to foster collaboration with related projects. EuropeanaCon nect Plenary Meeting, Monika Segbert, eremo srl, Berlin, may 2010

Work in progress EuropeanaCon nect Plenary Meeting, Monika Segbert, eremo srl, Berlin, may 2010

Progress so far TASK 1 - Dissemination plan template drafted. Feedback from partners is collected via narrative reports - First draft version of Rolling Dissemination Plan ready (M7.1.1) TASK 2 - EuropeanaConnect web site (D7.2.1) designed & implemented. It includes a news section on project developments. - Project Presentation designed and content for general presentation of the project drafted (D7.2.2) - Project brochure and fact sheet produced. - Collaborated with project coordinator to draft PR Guidelines EuropeanaCon nect Plenary Meeting, Monika Segbert, eremo srl, Berlin, may 2010

EuropeanaConnect web site EuropeanaCon nect Plenary Meeting, Monika Segbert, eremo srl, Berlin, may 2010

EuropeanaConnect brochure and factsheet EuropeanaCon nect Plenary Meeting, Monika Segbert, eremo srl, Berlin, may 2010

Progress so far TASK 3 - Attended Europeana Communications Group meetings and liaised regularly with Europeana communications’ Leader TASK 4 - Created a web section devoted to the Workshop Multilinguality in Information Access to Digital Libraries User Needs and Evaluation of multilingual resources use, MLIA4DL 2009, 9 September 2009, Trento, Italy - Compiled project events calendar to consider for participation by EuropeanaConnect or Europeana EuropeanaCon nect Plenary Meeting, Monika Segbert, eremo srl, Berlin, may 2010

Future work: Deliverables and Milestones Rolling Dissemination Plan M7.1.1 (month 13) First Publishable Annual Progress Report D7.2.3 (month 13) Final Dissemination report M7.1.2 (month 24) Second Publishable Annual Progress Report D7.2.4 (month 25) Brief Publishable Final Report detailing results D7.2.5 (month 30) Final project presentation D7.2.6 (month 30) EuropeanaCon nect Plenary Meeting, Monika Segbert, eremo srl, Berlin, may 2010

Future work: other dissemination activities Updating Conference list and alerting project coordinator of upcoming open calls Publishing news on EuropeanaConnect web site Coordinating dissemination with Europeana Providing support to proejct events Continuing collection of feedback of partners‘ dissemination activities EuropeanaCon nect Plenary Meeting, Monika Segbert, eremo srl, Berlin, may 2010

Your contribution EuropeanaCon nect Plenary Meeting, Monika Segbert, eremo srl, Berlin, may 2010

Your contribution Participate in events, write articles, annouce news to promote EuropeanaConnect Send us feedback on dissemination via quarterly narrative reports: - make sure to use LATEST VERSION OF NARRATIVE REPORT TEMPLATE available from Liferay, wp8 → documents → reporting → internal quarterly reporting - include only relevant information on dissemination activities - provide URL of all ppt presentation delivered at events or send them to us. EuropeanaCon nect Plenary Meeting, Monika Segbert, eremo srl, Berlin, may 2010

Work package 7 Dissemination and Concertation EuropeanaCon nect Plenary Meeting, Monika Segbert, eremo srl, Berlin, may 2010