A Community of Learning SUNGARD SUMMIT 2007 | sungardsummit.com 1 Extending SSO – CAS in Luminis Presented by: Zachary Tirrell Plymouth State University March 19, 2007 Course ID 455
2 Introduction Purpose: Show how CAS can be used to extend SSO services in Luminis Benefits of the session Gain a new tool in your development toolkit Secure and SSO to more applications Start using CAS, immediately
3 Course ID 455 Topics of Discussion Overview of Plymouth State University What is CAS? How is CAS useful? Where is CAS not useful?
4 Course ID 455 Plymouth State University Overview Small town Plymouth in northern New Hampshire 4000 FTE undergraduates, 500 FTE graduates Small class sizes Growing distance education program High demand for web delivered services Expectation to serve all constituents Tight knit, collaborative community
A Community of Learning SUNGARD SUMMIT 2007 | sungardsummit.com 5 What is CAS?
6 Course ID 455 A bit about CAS Created By Yale, became a JA-SIG project in 2004 Added as an installable module to Luminis in 2004 From the JA-SIG site: An open and well-documented protocol An open-source Java server component A library of clients for Java,.Net, PHP, Perl, Apache, uPortal, and others Integrates with uPortal, BlueSocket, TikiWiki, Mule, Liferay, Moodle and others Community documentation and implementation support An extensive community of adopters
7 Course ID 455 What CAS is not… Slide from Susan Bramhall of Yale University’s presentation on uPortal Security and CAS
8 Course ID 455 So what is it?? Slide from Susan Bramhall of Yale University’s presentation on uPortal Security and CAS
9 Course ID 455 How do I put CAS in Luminis? This is the best part… it’s a simple module install in III.2+ and just available in IV Read the Appendix D of Luminis Installation Guide Less than 8 pages!
10 Course ID 455 API vs Server Based CAS Services API-Based (what PSU does) ESUP’s phpCAS ( Also available in ASP, JSP, Java, Perl, and more! Server-Based (better practice) AuthCAS Apache module ( sig.org/products/cas/client/authcas/index.html) sig.org/products/cas/client/authcas/index.html
A Community of Learning SUNGARD SUMMIT 2007 | sungardsummit.com 11 How is CAS useful? CAS is ideal for homegrown applications or Third Party CAS-ified applications
12 Course ID 455 A simple bit of PHP 1.<?php 2. 3.function casify() 4.{ 5. // import phpCAS lib ( 6. include_once($GLOBALS['INCLUDES'].'/cas/CAS.php'); // initialize phpCAS 9. phpCAS::client(CAS_VERSION_2_0,'luminis.institution.edu',443,'cp/cas/'); // check CAS authentication 12. phpCAS::authenticateIfNeeded(); // at this step, the user has been authenticated by the CAS server 15. // and the user's login name can be read with phpCAS::getUser() return phpCAS::getUser(); 18.} $username = casify(); // nothing past the execution of casify() would occur without acquiring a valid CAS ticket ?>
13 Course ID 455 Power in Simplicity Simple. CPIP and GCF is complicated, CAS is not. Any developer can put CAS in place in their homegrown application with a simple copy paste Friendly URLs. A URL to a CASified application is generally very simple, especially as opposed to CPIP… Blissful Ignorance. It is not necessary for everyone who secures an application with CAS to full understand the protocol, yet the security is still solid Speed. In one week of running CAS we converted over a dozen applications to use it as the sole way to authenticate Reliability. In two years of running CAS, it has never failed
14 Course ID 455 If that’s not enough… CAS is a modern WebSSO technology CAS will be the underlying WebSSO that powers the Luminis implementation of Shibboleth in Luminis IV (unconfirmed but very likely) CAS has a large community of schools using it. In fact, it is the most popular WebSSO technology CAS is open-source
15 Course ID 455 Solving WebCT SSO in CE 6 With CAS SunGard Higher Education did not support WebCT for SSO when we were ready to deploy CE 6 Read WebCT’s guide for Custom SSO Adapted their PHP example to use CAS in less than 100 lines of code, in an afternoon Launched on time! Luminis WebCT WebCT- provided PHP file CAS mod Username request Username SSO
A Community of Learning SUNGARD SUMMIT 2007 | sungardsummit.com 16 Where is CAS not useful?
17 Course ID 455 CPIP/GCF Can Do More CPIP/GCF is complicated, CAS is not CPIP/GCF can do password caching No session management If a Third Party application requires a password, CAS cannot provide this without fairly advanced proxying Examples of these application types may include: webmail systems (though a solution does exist) ftp/sftp/smb backed web interfaces (smbwebclient) Third party applications that will LDAP auth, but are not CAS-ified
18 Course ID 455 Summary CAS is super easy and secure! CAS is common, easy to support, open, and available now If you run Luminis and do any custom web application development, CAS should be part of your development toolkit. CPIP/GCF still has it’s place
19 Course ID 455 Zachary Tirrell Please complete the online class evaluation form Course ID 455 SunGard, the SunGard logo, Banner, Campus Pipeline, Luminis, PowerCAMPUS, Matrix, and Plus are trademarks or registered trademarks of SunGard Data Systems Inc. or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and other countries. Third-party names and marks referenced herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. © 2007 SunGard. All rights reserved. Thank You, Questions & Answers