2.6 Formulas A literal equation – an equation involving two or more variables. Formulas are special types of literal equations. To transform a literal equation, you solve for one variable in terms of the others. You get the variable you are solving for alone on one side of the equation.
Transforming Geometric Formulas Solve the formula for the area of a triangle for height h.
Transforming Equations Solve y = 5x + 7 for x. y = 5x + 7 -7 - 7 y – 7 = 5x
Transforming Equations Containing Only Variables Solve ab – d = c for b. ab – d = c + d +d ab = c + d
More Practice!!!! Textbook – p. 113 – 114 #2 – 24 even, 30 – 40 even.