Ask Your Nurse Practitioner Women’s Health About…
Adult Female (anterior view)
Oral Contraceptive Pills
Missed Pills
IUD’s (Intra-Uterine Devices)
Depo Provera
Sexually Transmitted Infections
G/C (Gonorrhea & Chlamydia)
Sexually Transmitted Infections GC/ Chlamydia
HPV Sexually Transmitted Infections
HPV Picture HPV Sexually Transmitted Infections
Genital Herpes Sexually Transmitted Infections
Bacterial Vaginosis Ask Your Nurse Practitioner About…
Vaginal Yeast Ask Your Nurse Practitioner About…
SYPHILIS Ask Your Nurse Practitioner About…
Picture of Syphilis Chancre
Syphilis Testing Window Syphilis- 2-3 weeks before s/s (CDC web site) Chlamydia 1- 3 weeks after exposure c/d silent in women G/C – 1 day to 2 weeks after infection- men discharge Women may mistake burning for bladder infection Common cause of PID in women
Pregnancy Testing
“Plan B”
About… Ask Your Nurse Practitioner Abortion
Ask Your Nurse Practitioner About… Surgical Abortion
Breast Care
UTI’s (Urinary Tract Infections)
Ask Your Nurse Practitioner Women’s Health About…