The Kingdom of God The Mediatorial Kingdom in the Apocalypse Part II – Rev 19-22
United King. Northern Kingdom Southern Kingdom 722 BC 586 BC 1000 years New heavens & earth The Mediatorial Kingdom of God through History 7 “Mysteries of the Kingdom” (Matt 13) Descent of the Spirit Rapture Return of Christ Prophets
Review from Last Week Ch. 1 – Introduction and John’s vision of the glorified Christ. Ch. 1 – Introduction and John’s vision of the glorified Christ. Chs. 2 and 3 – Letters to the 7 churches of Asia Minor. Chs. 2 and 3 – Letters to the 7 churches of Asia Minor. Chs. 4 and 5 – God’s throne room in heaven. Includes God the Father on His throne and Christ the Son as the Lamb of God who is worthy to break the seals on the 7 sealed scroll. Chs. 4 and 5 – God’s throne room in heaven. Includes God the Father on His throne and Christ the Son as the Lamb of God who is worthy to break the seals on the 7 sealed scroll. Chs. 6 through 18 – Judgments flowing from the 7 sealed scroll. Chs. 6 through 18 – Judgments flowing from the 7 sealed scroll. Chs. 19 and 20 – The establishment of Christ’s kingdom on the earth. Chs. 19 and 20 – The establishment of Christ’s kingdom on the earth. Chs. 21 and 22 – An extension of the Kingdom of God into the new heavens and new earth and concluding exhortation. Chs. 21 and 22 – An extension of the Kingdom of God into the new heavens and new earth and concluding exhortation.
Eight Concluding Visions of the Seventh Bowl Judgment (Rev 19:11 – 22:5) Coming of the King of kings (19:11-16) Coming of the King of kings (19:11-16) Invitation to the birds of prey (19:17-18) Invitation to the birds of prey (19:17-18) Defeat of the beast (19:19-21) Defeat of the beast (19:19-21) Binding of Satan (20:1-3) Binding of Satan (20:1-3) Millennium and the defeat of Satan (20:4- 10) Millennium and the defeat of Satan (20:4- 10) Placement of the great white throne (20:11) Placement of the great white throne (20:11) Judgment of those missing from the book of life (20:12-15) Judgment of those missing from the book of life (20:12-15) New heavens and new earth (21:1 – 22:5) New heavens and new earth (21:1 – 22:5)
The Revelation of the Period of the Millennial Kingdom The coming of the King of kings (Rev 19:11-16) The coming of the King of kings (Rev 19:11-16) Called “faithful and true,” “the Word of God,” “KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS”Called “faithful and true,” “the Word of God,” “KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS” His appearance and activities confirm His identity.His appearance and activities confirm His identity.
The Revelation of the Period of the Millennial Kingdom Invitation to the birds of prey (Rev 19:17- 18) Invitation to the birds of prey (Rev 19:17- 18) In anticipation of the great supper of GodIn anticipation of the great supper of God Defeat of the beast (Rev 19:19-21) Defeat of the beast (Rev 19:19-21) This is the same beast who ruled over the world for the last 3.5 years of the tribulation period and is part of the counterfeit trinity of Rev 13.This is the same beast who ruled over the world for the last 3.5 years of the tribulation period and is part of the counterfeit trinity of Rev 13. He leads the armies from the kings of the earth who were gathered under the 6 th bowl judgment (Rev 16:12-16).He leads the armies from the kings of the earth who were gathered under the 6 th bowl judgment (Rev 16:12-16). This is the group and its leader that Christ personally defeats at His return.This is the group and its leader that Christ personally defeats at His return.
The Revelation of the Period of the Millennial Kingdom The binding of Satan (Rev 20:1-3) The binding of Satan (Rev 20:1-3) The language here is very clear; Satan, the deceiver of the nations, is completely immobilized.The language here is very clear; Satan, the deceiver of the nations, is completely immobilized. This binding only takes place after Christ’s return to the earth.This binding only takes place after Christ’s return to the earth. This is a significant factor for the righteous rule that will take place during the millennium.This is a significant factor for the righteous rule that will take place during the millennium.
The Revelation of the Period of the Millennial Kingdom The millennium and the defeat of Satan (Rev 20:4-10) The millennium and the defeat of Satan (Rev 20:4-10) After the binding of Satan the next scene shows the establishment of thrones for the purpose of judgment.After the binding of Satan the next scene shows the establishment of thrones for the purpose of judgment. Who are the ones who occupy the thrones of 20:4? (see Rev 3:21; 5:10).Who are the ones who occupy the thrones of 20:4? (see Rev 3:21; 5:10). There is a resurrection of martyred saints at the beginning of the 1000 year reign of Christ. According to Daniel 12, this is also the time of the resurrection of OT saints. All of these belong to the first resurrection.There is a resurrection of martyred saints at the beginning of the 1000 year reign of Christ. According to Daniel 12, this is also the time of the resurrection of OT saints. All of these belong to the first resurrection. At the end of the 1000 years, Satan is released and gathers a huge army of rebels from the 4 corners of the earth. This final uprising is quickly put down with fire from heaven.At the end of the 1000 years, Satan is released and gathers a huge army of rebels from the 4 corners of the earth. This final uprising is quickly put down with fire from heaven.
The Revelation of the Universal Kingdom of God The placement of the great white throne (Rev 20:11) The placement of the great white throne (Rev 20:11) Judgment of those missing from the book of life (Rev 20:12-15) Judgment of those missing from the book of life (Rev 20:12-15) The judge is not explicitly mentioned. Perhaps it includes both the Father and the Son.The judge is not explicitly mentioned. Perhaps it includes both the Father and the Son. This judgment is not to determine who is lost or saved, but to exhibit the character of the judged and award them according to their deeds.This judgment is not to determine who is lost or saved, but to exhibit the character of the judged and award them according to their deeds. The subjects of this judgment are the dead, i.e. the unrighteous who did not participate in the first resurrection.The subjects of this judgment are the dead, i.e. the unrighteous who did not participate in the first resurrection. The books are a metaphor for God’s knowledge of all things.The books are a metaphor for God’s knowledge of all things. The outcome of this judgment is eternal death in the lake of fire.The outcome of this judgment is eternal death in the lake of fire.
The Revelation of the Universal Kingdom of God The new heavens and new earth (Rev 21:1 – 22:5) The new heavens and new earth (Rev 21:1 – 22:5) The old heavens and earth are gone.The old heavens and earth are gone. The new creation includes the New Jerusalem coming down out of heaven; Rev 21 contains a very detailed description of this.The new creation includes the New Jerusalem coming down out of heaven; Rev 21 contains a very detailed description of this. Conditions are very different from the present order.Conditions are very different from the present order. No temple No temple No sun or moon, since it is illumined by the glory of God. No sun or moon, since it is illumined by the glory of God. Nothing unclean and no one who practices abomination there. Nothing unclean and no one who practices abomination there. No more curse; death done away with; God once again dwelling among men; Paradise restored! No more curse; death done away with; God once again dwelling among men; Paradise restored!
Next Week: The Appendix in McClain The Spirituality of the Kingdom & A Premillennial Philosophy of History