RENCP ECCD Working Group Updates Period: June-October 2014 RENCP General Assembly 21 st October 2014 Presenter: Peter NZEYIMANA ECCD Programme Manager-Save the Children
RECENT ECCD WG ACTIVITIES (Cnt’d) ECCD WG exchange visit conducted to ACTION AID supported ECCD centre in Karongi District on 9 th July Visit the facilities of the center and the income generating activities initiated to support children development and sustainability of the centre. The IGA include animal husbandry (cows, poultry and piggery) and vegetable growing. Interact with the centre management, staff and parents representatives. Key learning: Children are always accompanied to and from school. Parents developed a high understanding of the importance of kitchen gardens for children’s health. IGA support education and parents’ revenue. Good Children/teacher ratio :20 children / 1teacher. Children in the classroom ECD centre facilities including buildings and playground
RECENT ECCD WG ACTIVITIES (Cnt’d) ECCD WG exchange visit conducted to TEACH Rwanda supported ECCD centre in MUHANGA District on 13 th October Visit the learning facilities including classrooms, library, creative art room… Interact with children, the centre managers and teachers. Key learning: Double shift works well: 40 children (aged 3 & 4 ) attend in the morning, 40 children (aged 5 & 6) attend in the afternoon. Highly stimulating learning environment for children Well trained teachers Focus on children’s participation and competency development. Children’s library Print reach learning environment
RECENT ECCD WG ACTIVITIES RENCP ECCD WG quarterly meeting and Learning Lab held on 14 th October with a focus on: Sharing key ECD/ECE updates at national level Review the ECCD WG ToRs Plan next exchange visits and quarterly meeting Key action points from the meeting and Learning Lab: Exchange visit to learn from the parenting models of CARE and SAVE THE CHILDREN in Kamonyi and Ruhango on 3 rd December Invite MIGEPROF as the current custodian of the ECD Policy to update the ECD WG members on the current policy revision process and other related changes. Suggested date: 14 th Nov Next WG meeting and Learning Lab planned for the 2 nd week of January 2015.
UPDATES FROM NATIONAL LEVEL ECCD DEVELOPMENTS Early Childhood Education (ECE) TW mapping exercise led by REB and UNICEF. A meeting was held on 12 th August at UNICEF to map interventions in early childhood education by different stakeholders. A questionnaire was circulated to all ECCD WG member organizations to provide required information. Involvement of ECD WG representatives in the Curriculum Review process (EDC, Wellspring Foundation, Right to Play, Save the Children…) through participation in the pre-primary curriculum review panel. Workshops were organized by REB in partnership with UNICEF in June, July, August and September. Validation Workshop Education for All (EFA) review report in late July Inputs and comments were provided by ECCD WG members to the draft report with regard to EFA goal 1: expanding and improving comprehensive early childhood care and education, especially for the most vulnerable and disadvantaged children.
UPDATES FROM NATIONAL LEVEL ECCD DEVELOPMENTS (Cnt’d) ECD Policy revision: Since the overall coordination of ECD integration has shifted to MIGEPROF, a policy revision is under way to ensure all aspects of integration are reflected. ECCD WG member organizations took part in the process particularly in the workshop held in Gashora and in different consultations conducted by MIGEPROF. The draft policy is largely circulated to ECCD WG members for comments and inputs. ECCD WG members involved in the Literacy Week Campaign the International Literacy Day. Through RWANDA READS TWG, events were organized in different areas of operations to promote the culture of reading with involvement of parents, leaders and children. With UNICEF support, some ECCD WG members (PLAN International, IMBUTO Foundation) have been piloting the construction of model ECCD centres. Centres have been completed in some districts (Rwamagana, Gicumbi, Nyamagabe and Ngoma). 10 centres will be completed and functioning by end this year.