August 2015
Coming to North Tech The Employee Evaluation System includes 9 standards broken down into 36 quality indicators that each employee will be evaluated on yearly (summative). Each employee will also have up to six short evaluations during the year focusing on GROWTH of three specific quality indicators pre-determined by the district. These growth indicators could possibly change in following years. 5.2 Positive Classroom Environment (green) 7.1 Student Assessment and Data Analysis (goldenrod) 8.3 Professionalism (pink) 2
Timeline August 30: Baseline and Calibrating Conversation Due What have you scored yourself for a baseline, and what evidence backs up that score? You will meet with your administrator to agree on your baseline score. September 15: Growth Plan Due The Growth Plan will be filled out on our new Talent Ed computer system and based off of the score you and your administrator agree upon. September 30: Administrator Review of Growth Plan Due via Talent Ed computer system. 3
What does all of this mean? Looking at the green handout, the front side uses language like emerging, developing, proficient, and distinguished. Group Discussion: What is the big difference between the language used in these categories? You must have solid evidence within all three frames of Commitment, Practice, and Impact for you to be in that category. Where do you fall? Give yourself a score. 4
What counts as evidence? Look at the back side of the green sheet. Here is the evidence you should be looking for. 5 minute Activity: Look through the green sheet in reference to your classroom. Circle all of the bullet points that you know you do in your classroom. Group Discussion: What obstacles do you think you will run into when gathering evidence? 5 minute Activity: Looking through the bullets that you circled, mark the bullets with an “E” if you can easily provide solid evidence from what you already do. 5
Where do I go from here? Staff testimonials from those who have already gathered their evidence. Padlet is a great way to gather information. If you would like to use an electronic tool, we suggest you compile your evidence using this site. and click create something. Make sure to save the link to your Padlet(s) that you will use for your calibrating conversation. 6
Getting Started on Talent Ed On April 1 st, all staff received an from Talent Ed Perform requesting that you reset your password. If you threw away that link, you should go to and click forgot your password at the bottom of the page. Using your complete SSD , follow the instructions to send yourself your password. You will need to reset your password with the required characters (minimum 8 characters including a special character ). 7
Once you log in 9
Take a look around Most tasks are managed from the “My Folder” tab at the top right of your screen. Any tasks with a calendar icon will be managed by the administrative team. There is nothing you need to initiate. We will take a look at the second task on the list, Teacher Professional Growth Plan. Click “go to form” 10
Next Steps At the August 24 th Staff meeting, bring your laptop if you have one, and we will get you logged in to Talent Ed. By August 30 Give yourself a rank on all three growth indicators Gather evidence using Padlet to back up your ranking Schedule a calibrating conversation with your adminstrator Between August 30 and September 15 In your Data Teams, facilitators from the Employee Evaluation System team will assist in filling out your Growth Plan on Talent Ed 13