Office 365 Bob McCoy
Administration Portal
Administration Portal Account Export Tools
Administration Portal User Search Can Use any part of name, address, or WVEIS ID for search term.
Administration Portal
Password resets are immediately effective in any Webtop Page or Application. It may take up to five minutes for the password to become effective in Office 365.
User Password Changes
User Password Changes
User Password Changes
User Self-Password Reset
Office 365 Transition What is the date that Access will go away? – October 31st What about ListServs? Is there an Office 365 alternatives? – There is, but for now we will continue using ListServs while we determine the best way to deploy. I have users who are not in WVEIS and cannot get a Webtop/Office 365 account (such as PRO officers or long-term substitutes). What do I do? – For immediate needs (such as PROs) please contact me and I will work with you to get those accounts setup. We will deploy a feature for requesting these accounts through the management portal soon. When will Student accounts be available? How do we get the account information for our students? – They are available now, and yes we know the passwords are crazy!
Office 365 Transition Name Changes in Office 365 – Coming Soon Location / Role Changes in Office 365 – Coming Soon New Requests for Access Accounts – As of 10/10/2014 we are no longer accepting requests for new Access accounts.
Office 365 Support Please encourage your staff to inquire with county technical staff for support prior to escalation of issue. We will be working with WVNet soon to get their Helpdesk staff involved with providing support. More information will be sent out when available. Issues related specifically to account creation, logging in, or account details please