Scientific Revolution Images CHY 4U
Origins of Scientific Revolution Partly from the Renaissance new discoveries about blood pressure, classification, calculus, anatomy, circulation, linear perspective, weapons Ideas don’t have to fit preconceived notions of the universe (humanism?) Challenge to tradition
The ‘Ologies’ as Opposed to Theology Epistemology theory of knowledge as a method of organizing ideas Cosmology theory of the universe
The Scientific Method Observation Experiment Rather than…
Sacredness of Geocentrism Old View of the Universe based on Aristotle and Ptolemy spheres revolve around earth which doesn’t move heavenly bodies attached to spheres 10 spheres, highest is the home of God Perfect circular motion of spheres Humans at centre, special relationship with God
Geocentric Model The Geocentric Paradigm, Philosophy: Chinese/Japanese 350, (Feb. 21, 2013).
Heliocentric Model NASA Earth Observatory. Feature Article: Planetary Motion: The History of an Idea that Launched the Scientific Revolution (Sept. 6, 2010).
Copernicus’s On the Revolutions… Rare Book Library at the University of Sydney. Origins of Modernity Online Exhibition: Cosmology and Astronomy – Copernicus (Sept. 6, 2010).
Copernicus: Fame After His Lifetime Warsaw Monuments. N.d. (Sept. 6, 2010). Denton, William. The FRBR Blog. De Revolutionius (Sept. 22, 2010). Contrary to popular opinion, Brahe, Kepler and Galileo were all known to have owned copies of On the Revolutions…
Copernicus The Museums of Florence: History of Science Museum, N.d., ience_museum.html (July 23, 2012). ience_museum.html Joe Palca, “For Copernicus, A Perfect Heaven Put Sun at Center,” National Public Radio, Nov. 8, 2011, copernicus-a-perfect-heaven-put-sun-at-center (July 23, 2012). copernicus-a-perfect-heaven-put-sun-at-center
Now He’s Worth $2, 210, 500 Christie’s. Lot 60, Sale 2013 – Copernicus… (Sept. 6, 2010).
Brahe’s Universe and Uranibourg Observatory Rice University. Galileo Project: Science – Tycho Brahe, Tychonic Universe (Sept. 6, 2010); Long, Tony. Wired. August 8, 1576: Brahe’s Palatial Gateway to the Heavens (Sept. 15, 2010).
Kepler Used Brahe’s Data Elliptical orbits of planet PBS Online/WNET New York. Stephen Hawking’s Universe. N.d. (Sept. 15, 2010).
Galileo’s Telescope Museo Galileo. Institute and Museum of the History of Science. Multimedia Catalogue (Sept. 6, 2010).
Galileo’s Telescope Museums of Florence, History of Science Museum, N.d., m.html (July 23, 2012). m.html
Phases of Venus, 1623 International Year of Astronomy Graphic Description of Venus Phases (Sept. 6, 2010).
Moons of Jupiter, 1610 NASA. Solar System Exploration – Galileo’s Journal (Sept. 6, 2010).
Galileo’s Dialogo, 1632 Library of Congress – European Collections Science and Technology. (Sept. 15, 2010). Aristotle, Ptolemy and Copernicus discussing the universe