  Just another way to collect pieces together (like div, section)  Anything can be in there  Formatting just like all other elements  Always name.


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Presentation transcript:

  Just another way to collect pieces together (like div, section)  Anything can be in there  Formatting just like all other elements  Always name forms

 But we’d also like to let users give us information  Request input  Lots of types  Use name to identify the element

Label: Reference value through CONTEXT: form-name.field-name.value

 Note that the first 2 parts of this are just normal selector notation (like you use in css)  The.value is to be used exactly and says to use that tag’s value  (Note this is only the first and simplest way to access information)

 Always put onclick first in either case  Generally, use input in form, button outside  Button tag  Always set attribute type › button: general purpose › reset: clear all fields in the form

Label: No formatting, but accessibility gains

Label: Sets default value, but can be changed

Label: Gives text but never passed as value

button checkbox color date datetime datetime-local file image month number password radio range reset search tel text time url week

 Nice new option  Drop-down list  Supports autocomplete  Supported on most browsers › NOT Safari  No type= › List= matches up to datalist id

Internet Explorer Firefox Chrome Opera Safari

 tag[attribute=“value’] › Formatting only applies to tages with that attribute value  Tag.classname is same as Tag[class=“classname”]  Other options (rarely used) › tag[attribute]: if the attribute is used › Not › Begins with › Ends with … › w3schools w3schools