Just another way to collect pieces together (like div, section) Anything can be in there Formatting just like all other elements Always name forms
But we’d also like to let users give us information Request input Lots of types Use name to identify the element
Label: Reference value through CONTEXT: form-name.field-name.value
Note that the first 2 parts of this are just normal selector notation (like you use in css) The.value is to be used exactly and says to use that tag’s value (Note this is only the first and simplest way to access information)
Always put onclick first in either case Generally, use input in form, button outside Button tag Always set attribute type › button: general purpose › reset: clear all fields in the form
Label: No formatting, but accessibility gains
Label: Sets default value, but can be changed
Label: Gives text but never passed as value
button checkbox color date datetime datetime-local file image month number password radio range reset search tel text time url week
Nice new option Drop-down list Supports autocomplete Supported on most browsers › NOT Safari No type= › List= matches up to datalist id
Internet Explorer Firefox Chrome Opera Safari
tag[attribute=“value’] › Formatting only applies to tages with that attribute value Tag.classname is same as Tag[class=“classname”] Other options (rarely used) › tag[attribute]: if the attribute is used › Not › Begins with › Ends with … › w3schools w3schools