State Employees Federated Appeal Online Pledge Demonstration
Since 2012 State employees in NYC, LI and Sullivan Ulster regions had the option to pledge online 2000 donors made their SEFA pledges online in 2013, contributing a total of $660,000 The system allows donors to easily search charities and make their pledge through a secure environment The system has been embraced by Campaign Managers in these regions and received many positive reviews “Our employees have been asking for a system like this for years. The pledging process was very simple and as a campaign manager for two offices, it made my job much easier. I am hopeful the system will be expanded to our Westchester office in 2013” said Pete DeCicco, Department of Environmental Conservation, Ulster County. “We were initially concerned about its implementation in 2011 but my team was quite pleased with the outcome, the expansion in 2012 and look forward to continued expansion in 2013” said Robin Rabii, Director of Payroll Services, Office of the State Comptroller. Background
State employees can complete the pledge process through an online system System is secure, simple and paperless Coordinators can track pledging in real time Pledge information is submitted through a secure portal to the Office of the State Comptroller at the close of the campaign for upload into the payroll system. Online pledges do not need to be input by the agency payroll office or sent to the SEFA office for input. The system eliminates the need to follow up with donors about pledges with invalid code numbers, incorrect calculations or missing information The system will allow SEFA Coordinators to access status reports in real time and download reports for upload to Andar or other pledge processing systems Highlights
Getting Started....
Signing Up.... Use the keyword search to find your state agency and select “show” to view your location
Signing Up.... Select your location from the list.
Complete the registration... Complete the registration by completing all fields. You must enter your first and last name as they appear on your paystub Enter your preferred (it can be office or personal, your choice) Create a username that you will remember and a secure password Once you click complete you will receive an confirmation
Welcome.... Logging In Enter username Enter password Note that if you forget your password you can reset it by selecting “recover my password
Successful Login
Begin the Pledge Process Enter your NYS EMPLID as is appears on your paystub Select the pledge type (payroll, credit/debit card or e-check)
Payroll Deduction.... Select Payroll Contribution Select the Payroll Period Enter Amount Per Pay Period to be deducted Note the Total Annual Gift amount (automatically calculated) Click the Payroll Deduction Authorization button
EMPLID As It Appears On The Paystub The NYS EMPLID is required for all paper and electronic pledge forms. SS# or last four will no longer be accepted.
EMPLID As It Appears On The Paystub Enter the NYS EMP ID as it appears on your paystub. The number begins with an “N” and is followed by eight numerical digits. The only letter is the first one.
Request An Acknowledgement
Donors may click on the Search Mode button to search charities by name or key words OR Donors may browse through charities by clicking on the green symbol before each group of charities or federations to expand each federation’s membership Donors may also choose to give to the Campaign Undesignated which is dispersed by the campaign to all charities in the campaign. Search Charities/Designations
Key Word Search
Select Charities Click the plus sign to view the description Click add to pledge once a selection is made
Enter Designations Designations after chosen charity(ies) are listed in the allocation area, the amount to be designated to each charity should be entered in the currency field OR click on the green button which will divide all or remainder of funds among all chosen charity(ies)
Completing Pledge/Donation Using your mouse sign your name in the box.
Donors will automatically receive an message after completing the pledge Confirmation
Pledge Summary Donors may return to the site and click on the gray pledge box to print or themselves a copy of the pledge.
Questions? Sheila O’Connor