Zespół Placówek Edukacyjnych SUMMARY OF SURVEY Poland.


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Presentation transcript:

Zespół Placówek Edukacyjnych SUMMARY OF SURVEY Poland

SUMMARY OF SURVEY Zespół Placówek Edukacyjnych Poland 1.The study involved 81 respondents working in the ZPE in Olsztyn, including: 25 teachers (31% of respondents) working in the kindergarten, including: - 8 teachers (32%) in an integrative kindergarten, - 17 teachers (68%) in a special kindergarten; 56 teachers (69% of respondents) working in a special primary school;

SUMMARY OF SURVEY Zespół Placówek Edukacyjnych Poland 2.The field of expertise: 61 teachers (75% of respondents), including: - 8 inclusive kindergarten teachers (13%) (with a course in special education); - 11 special kindergarten teachers (18%) (including special educators); - 41 teachers from primary special school (67%) (including the preparation of special education); 20 other specialists (25% of respondents), including: - 7 therapists (35%); - 5 speech therapists (25%); - 2 teachers (10%); - 2 psychologists (10%); - 1 teacher day room (5%); - 3 teachers list (15%);

SUMMARY OF SURVEY Zespół Placówek Edukacyjnych Poland 3.Education Level: 79 persons – (97.5% of respondents) have a university degree-MA, (including 100% of respondents from kindergarten); 2 persons - 2.5% of the respondents have higher education and degree-bachelor;

SUMMARY OF SURVEY Zespół Placówek Edukacyjnych Poland 4. The period of work with disabled children: Years of work: From 1-6 years: 51 respondents (63%); From years: 16 respondents (18%); ;From years: 14 respondents (17%)

SUMMARY OF SURVEY Zespół Placówek Edukacyjnych Poland 5.6. Number of students in the classroom, including the number of students with disabilities: Here, because of the specific work discussed separately: Pre-school - 8 teachers (32%) working in integration groups from 22 to 26 children, including 2-5 children with disabilities (eg, 25 children, including 4-3 with disabilities, 24 children, including 2-3 children with disabilities);

- 11 teachers (44%) working in the special kindergarten only in special groups with children with disabilities (3-12 children with disabilities), including: - 2 teachers - in the group of 3 children; - 2 teachers - in the group of 5 children; - 2 teachers - in the group of 9 children; - 2 teachers – in the group of 6-children; - 2 teachers - in the group of 7 children; - 1 teacher-in the group of 12children; - 6 professionals (24%) work with children individually: (3 physiotherapists, a speech therapist, an educator, a psychologist)

SUMMARY OF SURVEY Zespół Placówek Edukacyjnych Poland Special School - because of the specificity school, there are in classes only students with disabilities: - 42 teachers (75%) work in classes consisting of 4-8 students with disabilities, including: -15 teachers (36%) working in 4-students classes; - 13 teachers (31%) - in 5-students classes; - 7 teachers (16,5%) - in 3-students classes; - 7 teachers (16,5%) - in 6-students classes;

-10 specialists (18%) work with students individually: -4 physiotherapists, 4 speech therapists, an educator, a psychologist; - 4 teachers (7%): 1 teacher in the day room and 3 teachers lists: variability classes and the number of students.

SUMMARY OF SURVEY Zespół Placówek Edukacyjnych Poland 7.8. Did you receive training on Special Education, if YES where: 69 (85%) of respondents - YES, including: - 4 people-undergraduate on the field of Special Education; - 37 people- in service education courses and seminars; - 4 people-special courses and seminars; - 1 people-other teachers/colleagues; - 23 people – other: masters of Oligophrenopedagogy; 12 (15%) people - NO ( such as physiotherapists, psychologist, teacher)

SUMMARY OF SURVEY Zespół Placówek Edukacyjnych Poland 9.Are the classroom / the school physically appropriate for working with handicapped students? 77 (95%) people responded YES (including 56 (100%) of respondents from school); 4 (5%) people responded: PARTIALLY (teachers working in integration groups);

SUMMARY OF SURVEY Zespół Placówek Edukacyjnych Poland 10. Are classroom / school appropriate for the purposes of equipments/ instruments while working with handicapped students in the clsroom/school? 76 respondents (94%) responded YES; 5 respondents (6%) responded PARTIALLY;

SUMMARY OF SURVEY Zespół Placówek Edukacyjnych Poland 11.Is the number of total students in classroom appropriate for working with the handicapped students? 61 respondents (75.5%) responded: YES; 13 respondents (16%) responded: PARTIALLY; 5 respondents (6%) responded: NO (teachers in the integration group at a kindergarten); 2 (2.5%) of respondents did not reply;

SUMMARY OF SURVEY Zespół Placówek Edukacyjnych Poland 12. Can you prepare special education plan (Individualized Education Plan) for training of handicapped students? 72 respondents (89%) responded: YES; 4 respondents (5%) responded: PARTIALLY (1 teacher of integration group, 3 teachers lists); 5 respondents (6%) responded: NO (two psychologists, two physiotherapists, day room teacher);

SUMMARY OF SURVEY Zespół Placówek Edukacyjnych Poland 13. Can you use special education methods and techniques for training of handicapped students? 70 respondents (86.5%) responded: YES; 9 respondents (11%) responded: PARTIALLY (integration group teachers, physiotherapists;) 2 respondents (2.5%) answered: NO ( 2 psychologists);

SUMMARY OF SURVEY Zespół Placówek Edukacyjnych Poland 14. Methods and techniques mostly are used for training of handicapped students: Dennisons Method ; Veronica Sherborne Developmental Movement; Programs Activities Knills; Behavioral Method; Stimulation of the Sensory "Morning Circle"; Sensory Integration; Alternative Communication (AAC); Method of Good Start; NDT-Bobath; Kinesjology optional mixer;

SUMMARY OF SURVEY Zespół Placówek Edukacyjnych Poland -In school, the above methods and techniques plus: Domanns Method; Method of Centres of Labour; Auditory Training; Vision therapy; Multimedia presentations; Computer Software; Activating methods, practical activities; Slide, observation (including models, specimens);

SUMMARY OF SURVEY Zespół Placówek Edukacyjnych Poland Do you take the support sufficiently from the institutions or persons? 15. Colleagues: 60 respondents (74%) responded: YES; 21 respondents (26%) responded: PARTIALLY;

SUMMARY OF SURVEY Zespół Placówek Edukacyjnych Poland 16.Counselors: 17 respondents (21%) responded: YES; 28 respondents (35%) responded: PARTIALLY;

SUMMARY OF SURVEY Zespół Placówek Edukacyjnych Poland 17. Traveling Teacher: 11 respondents (14%) responded: YES; 15 respondents (18%) responded: PARTIALLY;

SUMMARY OF SURVEY Zespół Placówek Edukacyjnych Poland 18. School Management: 53 respondents (65%) responded: YES; 21 respondents (26%) responded: PARTIALLY;

SUMMARY OF SURVEY Zespół Placówek Edukacyjnych Poland 19. Special Education Center: 7 respondents (9%) responded: YES; 16 respondents (20%) responded: PARTIALLY;

SUMMARY OF SURVEY Zespół Placówek Edukacyjnych Poland 20. Guidance and Research Center: 2 respondents (2.5%) responded: YES; 15 respondents (18.5%) responded: PARTIALLY;

SUMMARY OF SURVEY Zespół Placówek Edukacyjnych Poland 21. Other: 2 respondents (2.5%), inscribed "psychologist, "

SUMMARY OF SURVEY Zespół Placówek Edukacyjnych Poland When do you work with handicapped students, which subjects do you need training ? 22. Classroom Management: 10 respondents (12%) responded: YES; 15 respondents (18.5%) responded: PARTIALLY;

SUMMARY OF SURVEY Zespół Placówek Edukacyjnych Poland 23. Communication with Students, Parents and Colleagues. 37 respondents (46%) responded: YES; 27 respondents (33%) responded: PARTIALLY;

SUMMARY OF SURVEY Zespół Placówek Edukacyjnych Poland 24. Using methods and techniques in Special Education: 40 respondents (49%) responded: YES; 23 respondents (28%) responded: PARTIALLY;

SUMMARY OF SURVEY Zespół Placówek Edukacyjnych Poland 25. Measurement and Evaluation in Special Education: 27 respondents (33%) responded: YES; 23 respondents (28%) responded: PARTIALLY;

SUMMARY OF SURVEY Zespół Placówek Edukacyjnych Poland 26. Designing and practces of Special Education Program: 33 respondents (41%) responded: YES; 25 respondents (31%) responded: PARTIALLY;

SUMMARY OF SURVEY Zespół Placówek Edukacyjnych Poland 27. Preparing and using material in Special Education: 35 respondents (43%) responded: YES; 21 respondents (26%) responded: PARTIALLY;

SUMMARY OF SURVEY Zespół Placówek Edukacyjnych Poland 28. Other: -no entries;

SUMMARY OF SURVEY Zespół Placówek Edukacyjnych Poland 29. What kind of problems do teachers encounter when working with students who need special education? The main problems are (both in kindergarten and at school): Unwanted behaviors children (including aggression and self-injury), social maladjustment ; Difficulties in communication with children: lack of speech, difficulty within the meaning of the command;

SUMMARY OF SURVEY Zespół Placówek Edukacyjnych Poland Difficult or lack of cooperation with parents ; The discontinuation of exercise therapy at home; Difficulties in adapting the curriculum to a diverse group; Lack of content in the core curriculum (too abstract); Diagnostic difficulties of students with coupled disabilities; Lack of interpersonal relationships with non-disabled peers; The inadequacy of judgments of the actual level of functioning of the child; Only few hours in individual therapy (speech, rehabilitation;)

SUMMARY OF SURVEY Zespół Placówek Edukacyjnych Poland 30. What do you do to solve the problems? Coping skills: Create programs to eliminate challenging behavior; Meetings in transdisciplinary teams; Interviews with parents; Attempts to adapt the educational content, lengthening the time to deal with specific skills. Introduction of AAC methods to communicate with the child;

SUMMARY OF SURVEY Zespół Placówek Edukacyjnych Poland 31. Suggestions and comments: Very important cooperation between specialists (sense of support, exchange of knowledge and experience); Support child to measure its potential (not always as parents expected); Large need to enter into contracts with parents, in which we obligate for bilateral cooperation; Unification of documentation, less documentation; Diagnosis in the judgments of the PPP should be more reliable;

Zespół Placówek Edukacyjnych Poland THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION