Bullying Karla, Kali, Nicole, & Brandi
What is Bullying? Bullying is a situation in which one or more students single out a child and engage in intentionally cruel behavior. This behavior could be physical, emotional, and social embarrassment.
Bullying is a SERIOUS problem. 15% of students are involved. Of the 15%, 9% are victims. 7% bully others continuously Boys tend to bully more than girls.
Causes of Bullying… Enjoy watching a weaker child suffer. Gain social status. Gain money or personal property. Apathetic Believe their “victims” deserve to be bullied.
Bullying Myths It is a myth that bullies are insecure underneath their own skin. Research has shown that their self-esteem is average or above average. Boys are the vast majority of bullies, but most people overlook girl bullies.
Victims of Bullying Children with few friends. Socially isolated. Age. Passive Victims- Physically weaker and avoid violence and horseplay. Provocative Victims- Anxious and aggressive. Bullies taunt and tease these victims.
Different Types of Bullying Direct- face to face. Verbally harassed, physically attacked, or socially embarrassed- taunted Indirect- Attack the social standing or reputation. Done behind the persons back.- Gossip or graffiti Cyber Bullying- Tormented, harassed, or embarrassed by using the internet, interactive and digital devices, and mobile phones.
Prevention Provide good supervision Provide effective punishment for their actions. Provide a supportive classroom. Don’t assume someone is just tattling.