1)The challenge faced by local governments (Municipalidades) in Peru 2)Social accountability as part of the answer 3)Increasing social accountability:


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Presentation transcript:

1)The challenge faced by local governments (Municipalidades) in Peru 2)Social accountability as part of the answer 3)Increasing social accountability: the MIM initiative (building blocks) 4)Cajamarca’s MIM initiative: early results 5)Towards a National Program: Defensoria del Pueblo and IFC

Situation:  Limited investment capacity  Lack of development vision  Absence of public deliberation  Low accountability  Expectations build-up Municipalidad Provincial de Cajamarca T HE C HALLENGE P OSED BY THE M INING C ANON Significant increase in Mining Canon transfers How to take best advantage of the opportunity? Five main departments Capacity building Social Accountability

Increasing Social Accountability S OCIAL A CCOUNTABILITY AS P ART OF THE A NSWER Civic engagement EmpowermentCitizenship Participation More responsive local gov. Better informed decisions Improved impact of municipal investmen t Public service delivery Development effectiveness Improved governance Demand for effective management feedback information

Express an opinion Provide a voice mechanism Reduce cost of access to information Provide context Establish discussion spaces Events Workshops Presentations Printed opinions Opposing views Contests Ratings Mun. Mgmt. Mun. Investment Report cards Selected services Preferences Public´s views on large works B UILDING B LOCKS OF THE MIM I NITIATIVE Collection Tech capacity Systematization Basic questions Photographs Graph. synthesis Dissemination Diff. audiences Diff. media KnowUnderstand Effect change Improve governance Better informed decisions More responsive local gov. Achieve greater impact Mun. investment Service provision Increase social accountability

Outputs Institutional Structure Events Workshops with Majors Presentations to media Dissemination Bulletins Flyers Web Page Call for papers (competition) Feedback Rating of Mun. Government Rating of Mun. Investment Measures of exposure, access, and understanding of info on MC and MI C AJAMARCA’S MIM E XPERIENCE Initial UNC Chamber of Comerce Professional Assoc. Expanded 2 Private U Youth Assoc. Others MIM Recognized by Mun. Gov. Positioned as the local organization knowledgeable of MC and MI Municipalities Users of information Interest in ratings Open to discussions General population Much greater awareness of impotance of MC A public discussion about how to use MC has started to take shape Early Outcomes

Coverage:  Four new departments, 8 local governments (Municipalities)  Accounting (together with Cajamarca) for 80% of mining canon T OWARDS A N ATIONAL P ROGRAM Joint initiative of the Defensoría del Pueblo (National Ombudsman Office) and the IFC Innovations:  Leading role for Cajamarca MIM  Establishing a network of MIMs  Greater focus on improving public service delivery  Introducing an analytical meta function  Global monitoring  Comparisons across MIMs (competition by comparison)  Lessons and good practices  Defensoria del Pueblo makes recommendations to the public sector (local and national government) on the base of the information collected.