Poverty Community of Practice Meeting MSME Development in Central Asia Wojciech Hübner Regional Economic Advisor in Central Asia Issyk-Kul, November, 2004
MSME Development in Central AsiaPoverty Community of Practice Meeting, Issyk-Kul, November MSME development Fundamentally important Context of poverty alleviation “From job seekers to job creators” Powerful vehicle to help change attitudes Multiplier effect Market economy – as close as one can get * * * Use accumulated knowledge – selective new approach – synergies and cooperation
MSME Development in Central AsiaPoverty Community of Practice Meeting, Issyk-Kul, November MSME sector – Among remaining challenges Deficiencies of business environment Unclear entrepreneurial perspective Limited decentralisation Shadow economy Too few innovative businesses Corruption Limited results in entrepreneurial development Behavioural and cultural change Donor community: fragmentation of the development effort
MSME Development in Central AsiaPoverty Community of Practice Meeting, Issyk-Kul, November What kind of technical assistance initiatives should be of primary focus for the UNDP? Which should be the target areas? How to best implement the decided strategy?
MSME Development in Central AsiaPoverty Community of Practice Meeting, Issyk-Kul, November Complexity: Focus on coordination with other donors; search for strategic alliances; Constraints: Preference given to the extension, strengthening and complementing the already successful line of UNDP’s assistance; Use our own assets: Exchange of best practices among CA countries;
MSME Development in Central AsiaPoverty Community of Practice Meeting, Issyk-Kul, November SME technical assistance: Should respond to actual, recognised and important needs; Be highly efficient. The sources of efficiency may stem from an advantageous positioning of the UNDP, and /or specific experience already gathered; Bring clear value added; Possibly create valuable synergies with other UNDP activities; Should be consistent with the general UNDP’s strategy for Central Asia.
MSME Development in Central AsiaPoverty Community of Practice Meeting, Issyk-Kul, November Proposed target areas A. Strengthen Poverty Alleviation / Social Mobilisation / Micro- crediting programs and projects by adding SME development component (new Business Development Centres, business incubators, intensive training based on case studies, apply external and CA best practices); B. Help broaden MSME financing; C. Combat shadow economy and reducing its negative impact; D. Focus on Entrepreneurial Development; E. Increase e-competence in doing business; F. Develop MSME connections to trade development and to foreign investment projects.
MSME Development in Central AsiaPoverty Community of Practice Meeting, Issyk-Kul, November Implementation of the MSME development strategy – main guidelines 1. Use the MSME development as a link for subregional initiatives 2. Improve/develop efficient partnerships with governments 3. Aim at setting up of permanent structures; viable after the project is over; 4. Broadly use cooperation with Associations, NGOs – with ultimate focus on final end-users
MSME Development in Central AsiaPoverty Community of Practice Meeting, Issyk-Kul, November Promote role of woman-entrepreneurs 6. Further decentralize assistance effort 7. Support only realistic E-strategy 8. Promote spirit of openness and export orientation in SME development 9. Accept only result-oriented initiatives, however adjustable over time 10. Promote broad participation of UNDP COs staff in regional initiatives
MSME Development in Central AsiaPoverty Community of Practice Meeting, Issyk-Kul, November The follow-up: 1.Next input: national feedbacks to be incorporated in the next version of draft Strategy (types of activities, concrete initiatives, events, etc.). 2. New version of the draft – with national supplements and a matrix: countries /priority SME activities. 3. SME subregional specialists roundtable
MSME Development in Central AsiaPoverty Community of Practice Meeting, Issyk-Kul, November Set up permanent CA SME Task Force – SME development intellectual centre (with a database and website). 5. Discuss proposed subregional and national strategies with leading government institutions and business associations 6.Formulate 2-year Action Plan 7.SME Subregional Conference – according to Subregional, iterative and participatory approach
MSME Development in Central AsiaPoverty Community of Practice Meeting, Issyk-Kul, November Thank you