doc.: IEEE /0063r0 Submission July 2005 Douglas Prendergast, CRCSlide 1 [DRAFT] FCC ex parte presentation on WRAN IEEE P Wireless RANs Date: Authors: Notice: This document has been prepared to assist IEEE It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE Patent Policy and Procedures: The contributor is familiar with the IEEE 802 Patent Policy and Procedures including the statement "IEEE standards may include the known use of patent(s), including patent applications, provided the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents essential for compliance with both mandatory and optional portions of the standard." Early disclosure to the Working Group of patent information that might be relevant to the standard is essential to reduce the possibility for delays in the development process and increase the likelihood that the draft publication will be approved for publication. Please notify the Chair Carl R. StevensonCarl R. Stevenson as early as possible, in written or electronic form, if patented technology (or technology under patent application) might be incorporated into a draft standard being developed within the IEEE Working Group. If you have questions, contact the IEEE Patent Committee Administrator at
doc.: IEEE /0063r0 Submission July 2005 Douglas Prendergast, CRCSlide 2 On the Implementation of an ATSC forward Channel and a Terrestrial Return Channel incorporating Cognitive Radio (Unlicensed Devices) Prepared by Douglas Prendergast Broadcast Technology Research - CRC Presented by Gerald Chouinard Project Manager RRBA - CRC
doc.: IEEE /0063r0 Submission July 2005 Douglas Prendergast, CRCSlide 3 Objective To promote to Working Group the use of ATSC-DTV as the Downlink channel in the implementation of WRAN using Cognitive Radio Unlicensed Devices
doc.: IEEE /0063r0 Submission July 2005 Douglas Prendergast, CRCSlide 4 Philosophy Full power broadcast facility available from participating broadcaster - Wide coverage area. WRAN will operate without broadcasters participation using a low power ATSC BS - Technology available today. Interference issues simplified with Watermark information Suitable Return channel needs to be supplied and integrated along with ATSC modification
doc.: IEEE /0063r0 Submission July 2005 Douglas Prendergast, CRCSlide 5 Outline Introduction Background System Description - CRC WRAN Concept Overview Advanced Television Systems Committee (ATSC-DTV) features. Conclusions
doc.: IEEE /0063r0 Submission July 2005 Douglas Prendergast, CRCSlide 6 Introduction Customers will purchase Unlicensed Devices (UD) faster if Value Added Services (VAS) are provided. ATSC DTV system could provide VAS services such as Interactive Television (ITV) and Internet Multimedia Services (IMS) for WRAN - ITV is a bonus for WRAN with ATSC-DTV downlink. Wireless digital high speed return channel needed tailored to the ATSC forward channel for a complete WRAN. Rural and remote areas primary beneficiary.
doc.: IEEE /0063r0 Submission July 2005 Douglas Prendergast, CRCSlide 7 Background FCC - Issue NPRM for the use of UD in TV band. Affected: NTSC, ATSC-DTV, Part 94 Wireless Microphone. Incumbent concerned with interference issues associated with UD’s in TV band ATSC- DTV Downlink with a suitable Terrestrial Return Channel will help to allay incumbent concerns.
doc.: IEEE /0063r0 Submission July 2005 Douglas Prendergast, CRCSlide 8 Background Continued WRAN operational Requirements: CRC Perspective: –Required User Base ~ 2000 –Range up to ~ 40 km –Population density is sparse –User most likely distributed around BS (DTV) transmission tower(s) –Spectrum available in Rural and Remote areas –Non-Line of Sight operation –Cost effectiveness Public Broadcast Television is available everywhere in North America (PBS - US, CBC - Canada) for Forward channel use.
doc.: IEEE /0063r0 Submission July 2005 Douglas Prendergast, CRCSlide 9 System Overview CRC WRAN Concept using ATSC/RCT
doc.: IEEE /0063r0 Submission July 2005 Douglas Prendergast, CRCSlide 10 WRAN Base Station
doc.: IEEE /0063r0 Submission July 2005 Douglas Prendergast, CRCSlide 11 WRAN Customer Premise Equipment (UD)
doc.: IEEE /0063r0 Submission July 2005 Douglas Prendergast, CRCSlide 12 ATSC/RCT concept for WRAN Up-link: Suitable Terrestrial Return Channel (RCT) Downlink: ATSC-DTV
doc.: IEEE /0063r0 Submission July 2005 Douglas Prendergast, CRCSlide 13 ATSC Forward Channel Features. Large Data capacity: up to 20 Mbps in one 6 MHz channel Flexible coverage: Typically 85 km for a DTV station Developed for VHF-UHF operation: Frequency Agile Non-LOS, Provides good Multipath and to Interference performance Provides for Flexible trade-off between data capacity and robustness Low Cost: DTV Consumers Products UHF channels are available (Particularly in Remote areas) Sustain long delay spread required by SFN operation Excellent doppler and multipath performance for mobility
doc.: IEEE /0063r0 Submission July 2005 Douglas Prendergast, CRCSlide 14 ATSC Forward Channel Features Continued. Allows for less complex UD hardware development –Hardware readily available –Some modification may be necessary. TxID watermark information in ATSC- DTV may be implemented in UD’s –Should reduce interference mitigation issues. TPC and DFS algorithms possible in support of UD’s
doc.: IEEE /0063r0 Submission July 2005 Douglas Prendergast, CRCSlide 15 Return Channel Overview Some Desired Features Protocol Stack compatible with a modified ATSC-DTV stack. Spectrum efficient - User defined bandwidth Adaptive modulation. Segmentation over MHz channel Power control (to a Maximum of 4 watt EIRP) Flexible network implementation: various cell size and degree of robustness MAC Security functions needed
doc.: IEEE /0063r0 Submission July 2005 Douglas Prendergast, CRCSlide 16 Conclusions Using ATSC-DTV Forward channel with a suitable multiple access uplink will reduce the standardization and deployment time for WRAN Modification required to existing ATSC-DL MAC in conformance with a new UL MAC and PHY are necessary. TxID watermark integration to mitigate potential interference problems Working Group encouraged to adopt ATSC-DTV for WRAN downlink technology
doc.: IEEE /0063r0 Submission July 2005 Douglas Prendergast, CRCSlide 17 References