Page 1 Road map for e-business implementation in Extended Enterprise Project funded by the European Community under the ‘Competitive and Sustainable Growth’ Programme ( ) DISSEMINATION MEETING – 25 FEBRUARY, 2005 – SALERNO, ITALY Presentazione progetto e-Volution ing. Roberto Citarella Dip. di Ingegneria Meccanica Università di Salerno
Page 2 Road map for e-business implementation in Extended Enterprise Project funded by the European Community under the ‘Competitive and Sustainable Growth’ Programme ( ) DISSEMINATION MEETING – 25 FEBRUARY, 2005 – SALERNO, ITALY e-business in European SMEs Business reality does not display the importance of e-business yet, partly ignorance of strategic importance Widely satisfaction with e-business, but no euphoria Current focus on e-commerce activities Most significant impacts of e-business still concern internal business processes Real potentials are in the value chain Unused potentials of ICT and e-business as the key enablers for Extended Enterprises
Page 3 Road map for e-business implementation in Extended Enterprise Project funded by the European Community under the ‘Competitive and Sustainable Growth’ Programme ( ) DISSEMINATION MEETING – 25 FEBRUARY, 2005 – SALERNO, ITALY Spheres for e-business in Extended Enterprises and in e-volution Business strategy Business management system Finances, controlling, administration process Human resource management process RTD and engineering process Infrastructure process Procurement Integrate d Supply Chain Commer ce Bartsch, Th.: e-business in KMUs. IBM Unternehmensberatung Germany, 2001 e-business strategy Effective use of e-business opportunities and development of e-business strengths Revenue Productivity Secure or increase revenue by increasing number of customers and by increasing customer satisfaction Increase productivity by optimum use of organisation, processes and resources Increase revenue Reduce costs Reduce need for capital business strategy
Page 4 Road map for e-business implementation in Extended Enterprise Project funded by the European Community under the ‘Competitive and Sustainable Growth’ Programme ( ) DISSEMINATION MEETING – 25 FEBRUARY, 2005 – SALERNO, ITALY e-volution’s methodology concept e-business road mapping model I. II. III. IV. V. Based on approved models, e-volution offers an e-business road mapping model that fulfils the requirements of a systematic and goal-oriented planning of e-business implementation. Software tools The e-business road mapping model is the starting point for the use of phase specific methods and software tools. Training package The e-volution training package is for transfer and teaching how to apply the e- business road mapping model, methods and tools. Content Service The e-volution Content Service disseminates the e-business road mapping model with its methods and tools but also know-how about e- business. The purpose of the e-volution methodology concept is the successful implementation of e- business in Extended Enterprises.
Page 5 Road map for e-business implementation in Extended Enterprise Project funded by the European Community under the ‘Competitive and Sustainable Growth’ Programme ( ) DISSEMINATION MEETING – 25 FEBRUARY, 2005 – SALERNO, ITALY Expected project results according to the DoW Enhancement of competitiveness and sustainable growth of European Extended Enterprises by successful use of e-business as means for value chain integration e-business strategy kit “e-Volution” methodology concept Application, validation, exploitation by test cases ExploitationDissemination Web pageSoftware tools Training materialNational IRGs Content Service DoW – Description of Work
Page 6 Road map for e-business implementation in Extended Enterprise Project funded by the European Community under the ‘Competitive and Sustainable Growth’ Programme ( ) DISSEMINATION MEETING – 25 FEBRUARY, 2005 – SALERNO, ITALY Principle Extended Enterprise scenarios under consideration Horizontal Extended Enterprises market Organisation focus: value chain Supplier-customer-relationships Each entity adds value for the final product Information flow follows material flow One entity as market interface Example: German Test Case 2nd tier supplier1st tier supplierfinal producerend user Vertical Extended Enterprises market Market focus: combination of competencies, services/products to innovative, extended service/product More than one entity potentially as market interface Entities can operate in same market Example: Italian test case final producerend user
Page 7 Road map for e-business implementation in Extended Enterprise Project funded by the European Community under the ‘Competitive and Sustainable Growth’ Programme ( ) DISSEMINATION MEETING – 25 FEBRUARY, 2005 – SALERNO, ITALY Requirements for an e-business road mapping methodology Methodical know-how, e.g. −Management methods −Management instruments Specialised know-how, e.g. −Business know-how: entity purpose and structure (goals, organisation, processes, resources, utilities, goals) −System know-how: Information and Communication Technologies e-business life cycle Road mapping is the process to develop a road map. Road mapping is an creative analysis of an organisation and its environment to prognosticate, visualise and plan the future. Road mapping is a systematic identification and analysis of expert know-how, the coordination of divergent meanings and expectations to predict and assess future developments in certain field. Requirement analysis specifies the road mapping process content needs (tasks, methods, instruments) e-volution aims to specify a generic e-business road mapping process that uses
Page 8 Road map for e-business implementation in Extended Enterprise Project funded by the European Community under the ‘Competitive and Sustainable Growth’ Programme ( ) DISSEMINATION MEETING – 25 FEBRUARY, 2005 – SALERNO, ITALY System architecture concept (Task 3.1) Integration platform Organisation Module Market Module Web DB SME 1 SME 2 SME 3 SME n Extended Enterprise DB Web-services Web-services enabler Component based task execution Ontology for communication means between different domain knowledge (3rd party applications) Interconnecting database management system (DBMS) Market module concept (Task 3.2) Organisation module concept (Task 3.3) Integration platform concept (Task 3.4) Rules, mechanisms and update routines (Task 2.4)
Page 9 Road map for e-business implementation in Extended Enterprise Project funded by the European Community under the ‘Competitive and Sustainable Growth’ Programme ( ) DISSEMINATION MEETING – 25 FEBRUARY, 2005 – SALERNO, ITALY Horizontal Extended Enterprises – different levels of information gathering 2nd tier supplier (operative partner) 1st tier supplier (operative partner) final producer (operative partner) EE level (co-ordinator) given by individual strategy goal definition of the EE given by individual strategy goal prioritisation given by individual strategy process prioritisation individual analysis alignment if value adding fits individual analysis elimination of big differences definition on EE level given by individual organ. goal definition goal prioritisation process prioritisation core competence analysis eOrganisation definition eBiz abilities
Page 10 Road map for e-business implementation in Extended Enterprise Project funded by the European Community under the ‘Competitive and Sustainable Growth’ Programme ( ) DISSEMINATION MEETING – 25 FEBRUARY, 2005 – SALERNO, ITALY Vertical Extended Enterprises – different levels of information gathering final producerend user final producer (operative partner) EE level (co-ordinator) given by individual strategy goal definition of the EE goal prioritisation given by individual strategy process prioritisation individual analysis adjustment on each other (in SWOT) individual analysis elimination of big differences definition on EE level given by individual organ. goal definition goal prioritisation process prioritisation core competence analysis eOrganisation definition eBiz abilities Result: information gathering to identify strength and weaknesses on EE level are almost the same on vertical and horizontal EE organisations There is a small difference in having a view on the single competencies of the partners within the EE: in vertical EEs What kind of new products / services are possible with the competencies of each partner? in horizontal EEs Do the core competencies of each partner in the single stage of the value chain fit to the needed task/added value for the EE? Ergo: individual competence analysis could be important for the SWOT – no direct impact on OM on EE level core competence alignment in horizontal EEs is important for OM
Page 11 Road map for e-business implementation in Extended Enterprise Project funded by the European Community under the ‘Competitive and Sustainable Growth’ Programme ( ) DISSEMINATION MEETING – 25 FEBRUARY, 2005 – SALERNO, ITALY Phase II: CONCEPTION Detailed e-business road mapping model phase Level 2: Phase steps Level 1: Phase Level 3: Tasks Level 4: Activities
Page 12 Road map for e-business implementation in Extended Enterprise Project funded by the European Community under the ‘Competitive and Sustainable Growth’ Programme ( ) DISSEMINATION MEETING – 25 FEBRUARY, 2005 – SALERNO, ITALY Phase II: CONCEPTION External analysis: Trend analysis E-sales trend filtering analysis E-sales trend formatting analysis
Page 13 Road map for e-business implementation in Extended Enterprise Project funded by the European Community under the ‘Competitive and Sustainable Growth’ Programme ( ) DISSEMINATION MEETING – 25 FEBRUARY, 2005 – SALERNO, ITALY Phase II: CONCEPTION External analysis: Product and market assessment / opportunity-threat-definition Opportunity-Threat analysis table Product/Market areas identification based on attractiveness and EE competitive position submission to the integration module