George Washington By Candace Chen
George Washington’s family George Washington was the first president of America, everyone called him “the Father of America”. George Washington was born in a rich family in Virginia. About 20 years later, he married with Martha Washington.
George Washington’s early life George's father had already been a widower once when his first wife, Janet Butler Washington, died in 1729. But he soon re-married, he marry in 1731 and they bore their first son, George, the year after. George had the company of his two older half-brothers, and was a mere 5 years old when his older half-sister died Jan 17, 1737. He never stopped learning. What we now call "home schooled.” George Washington's father, Augustine Washington, died in 1743 when George was just 11 years old.
One Leadership example In 1754, the general governor of Virginia commissioned Was hington a post and ordered him to drive out the French Canad ians. He was active in the war between France and India. At that time, he became a famous person in that area. Later 17 58, Washington resigned from active military service and spen t the next sixteen years as a Virginia planter and politician.
Another Leadership Example Then, in the Second Congress, he was elected as the leader of the army for his abundant military experience, wealth , strong built and excellent leadership ability. After the war begin , he devoted himself to the independence of the nation, which ea rned him a good reputation among the troops.
Characteristics George Washington was: Refuse to take any payment for service Exemplary Loyalty powerful
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