Writing Friendly Letters A Write On Activity. Friendly letters have five parts: 1. The Heading 2. The Salutation (greeting) 3. The Body (some paragraphs)


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Presentation transcript:

Writing Friendly Letters A Write On Activity

Friendly letters have five parts: 1. The Heading 2. The Salutation (greeting) 3. The Body (some paragraphs) 4. The Closing 5. The Signature

The Heading The heading can include your address and the date. In casual, friendly letters your address is not necessary. 508 Bluebird Street Clarksville, Ohio January 5, 2010 Heading

The Salutation (greeting) Dear_________. The blank is for the name of the person you are writing. After you write the person's name you put a comma (, ). 508 Bluebird Street Clarksville, Ohio January 5, 2004 Greeting Dear Susan,

The Body The body of the letter is the information you are writing in your letter. 508 Bluebird Street Clarksville, Ohio January 5, 2004 Body Dear Susan, I hope you will be able to come and visit next month. We are planning a special visit to the museum. My mom will call your mom later this week to make all arrangements. Be sure to bring your swimsuit when you come! We’re planning an afternoon trip to the lake.

The Closing The Closing: In the closing the first word is capitalized and you put a comma after the last word. Some examples of closings are: Sincerely (yours), Your friend, Love, Very truly yours, 508 Bluebird Street Clarksville, Ohio January 5, 2004 Closing Dear Susan, I hope you will be able to come and visit next month. We are planning a special visit to the museum. My mom will call your mom later this week to make all arrangements. Be sure to bring your swimsuit when you come! We’re planning an afternoon trip to the lake. Your friend,

Your Signature This is your name. It goes under the closing. 508 Bluebird Street Clarksville, Ohio January 5, 2004 Signature Dear Susan, I hope you will be able to come and visit next month. We are planning a special visit to the museum. My mom will call your mom later this week to make all arrangements. Be sure to bring your swimsuit when you come! We’re planning an afternoon trip to the lake. Your friend, Allison

Friendly letters: Dear Alice, Thanks for your letter. It was great to hear from you. In your letter you asked me about my summer holidays. Well, I had a very good time! In June I stayed at home because I had exams at school. Luckily the weather was nice and warm and at the weekend my parents and I went to our country house. We went sunbathing and swimming in the lake near there. In July I went to a summer camp. It was fantastic. I made a lot of new friends. Every day we went swimming in the river, and we played different games. There was a disco every night. Once we went hiking in the forest for two days. We cooked our meals on the fire and at night we sat around the fire, sang songs and told stories. Are you happy with your new house? Is it bigger than your old house? Have you got a room of your own? Please tell me more about it. Write soon. Love, Tanya

Стратегии написания личного письма Важно! Нужно обязательно соблюсти требования к объему письма слов. Не пишите лишних подробностей. Помните, что обязательные повторяемые элементы письма - адрес, обращение (Dear Alice), благодарность за полученное письмо (Thanks for your letter. It was great to hear from you), заключительные фразы (типа Write soon. Best wishes) и ваше имя в конце письма уже составляют около 20 слов. Заучите эти фразы и зрительно запомните схему расположения частей письма.

Варианты обращения: Dear John, My dear Mary and John, Dear Mary,

Начальные фразы письма: I'm writing to thank/ tell/ ask/ congratulate/ apologize /etc …. I'm writing to thank you very much for the nice letter. I'm writing to tell you that we are going to be in Providence during Christmas time. I'm writing to ask you if you would come to dinner/lunch one day soon: would Monday, suit you?

Варианты подписи: With best wishes, Lisa. Sincerely yours, Lisa. Yours sincerely, Lisa. With kind regards, Lisa. With our best wishes to you all, Lisa.

Новое в оценивании раздела «Письмо» Письмо личного характера (задание С1) 1. Объем письменного высказывания. По заданию объем письма слов. С 2009 года действует правило + 10%. т.е. объем не должен быть меньше, чем 91 слово (если всего 90 – сразу «0»баллов за это задание). Превысить 154 слова тоже не очень хорошо, так как в письме проверяется только это количество слов. (Напишешь больше - потеряешь баллы и за содержание, и за организацию). 2. Аргументация: В письме развернутую аргументацию давать не нужно. Просто дать ответы на поставленные вопросы, выполнить все, что требуется.

3. Как считать слова: Адрес и дата не считаются. Начинаем считать с обращения. Артикли, предлоги тоже считаются за слова, а сокращения типа «don’t = do not» за одно слово. Адрес пиши сокращенно : Saint-Petersburg (в правом верхнем углу) Russia Название улицы, номер дома ни в коем случае не указывать. Теперь считается, что так можно идентифицировать пишущего. По этой же причине письмо должно быть подписано только именем, (фамилии даже на КИМах писать не нужно – просто не будут проверять работу)

Применив данные правила и советы, вы обязательно напишите отличное письмо!