A Few Reminders… LPChem1415 Unit 2 (ionic compounds) Late Work Deadline is Thursday 9/18 (Because it was only a two day unit.) Now that we all have our schedules worked out, the “absent-gets-1-class-period” rule will be enforced! If you are absent on Day 9, you need to turn in what was due on Day 9 on DAY 10 or it is LATE and requires a slacker pass.
SLACKER PASS, you say? It is a theoretical slacker pass– not paper I am keeping track. There is a “note” in Skyward on assignments that required a pass. Since I’m not sure if you can see the note, I also put a list up on the back bulletin board. But I also just realized that I haven’t yet marked down the 5-6 of you that used the hallpass. (I will, though.) LPChem1415
Missing Class Ruins Lives Because you have to be RESPONSIBLE and make up what you missed. Wow. That is rough. “I didn’t know” is never a valid excuse. o Go to the webpage! o LPScience.Weebly.com o Do you have that bookmarked? You really should. LPChem1415
Missing Class Ruins Lives “I didn’t know” is never a valid excuse” Check Skyward. o Check it early, check it often. o Every time we have a Skyward assignment, check your grade and make sure you’re up to date! o YOU are responsible for your grade. Not your mom, not your teacher. You. o You’ll be in Grown-Up-Land soon. Start practicing. LPChem1415
Missing Class Ruins Lives “I didn’t know” is never a valid excuse” o If you miss Day 9, you still have to take the Day 10 quiz on Day 10! o Being absent NEVER gets you an extension on a quiz! o Which means you need to go to the webpage and get notes from the day you missed. o BEFORE the next day. o Or you may fail a quiz. LPChem1415
Unit 2 Is OVER Multiple people in every section aced the unit quiz/test/quest. Good job! Some other people got 50% or lower. Ummm. We’ll discuss remediation at collaboration today. Here’s what I’m guessing: LPChem1415
My GUESS about U2 Redo If you need to try again on the Unit 2 Quest, you’ll have to achieve 85% on a (no-count) online assignment by the end of this week to qualify for a redo. Next week, you will be allowed to retake it in the SAC (with notes on 1-side of a 3x5). (But only if you pass the “Qualifying” assignment this week.) LPChem1415
Welcome to High School You have a last name. Use it. Any paper without a last name will be treated as a no name. It doesn’t matter how unusual your first name is. Write your class period on EVERYTHING, but especially Late Work! If you can’t bother to write your class period, I can’t bother to give you points. LPChem1415
Welcome to High School If I can’t tell what your answer is, it is wrong. This includes messy writing Multiple answers circled/marked Writing combination letters (SERIOUSLY???) LPChem1415
Welcome to High School LOOK IT UP Thallium is not Titanium. You had a periodic table. Why didn’t you use it? Laziness leads to missed points. You can’t afford that in this class. I don’t do extra credit. Your grade is based on GRADES. (Shocking, I know.) LPChem1415