Friday 10/8/2010 Agenda Quiz #2 Collect Homework Review Articles Notes: Bill of Rights Homework Constitution Book due Thursday 10/17 or Friday 10/18
Quiz #2 (2 pts each) Write the correct principle for each description 1.The branches watch each other’s actions and make sure no one branch is stronger than the other 2.The power of rule lies with the people 3.Federal and State governments have powers of their own while other powers are shared Finish the phrase of the preamble: 4.“We the people of the U.S. ___________...”
The Constitution and Bill of Rights
Imagine that America was suddenly a kingdom... With one supreme ruler... The King of America has the power to make new laws that all the citizens have to follow.
If the king’s soldiers need a place to stay you have to open your homes to them. The King of America is the ruler of all of the United States. The king will raise taxes and take more money from your paychecks without any warning. Police officers and soldiers will search your home or office whenever they feel it’s necessary.
The King has ordered the media to cease publishing or broadcasting anything negative about the King or the King’s government. Americans who break these or any other of the Kingdom’s laws will be tried in the King’s court by a judge appointed by the King. There will be no jury.
How do you like your new country? How do you think other Americans would react to this king and government?
The stuff about the king- true story. This stuff, not so much.
Americans tried a few things to obtain our freedom. Declaration of Independence SUCCESS! We told the king where to go- of course by using very proper and polite words Articles of Confederation FAIL! The ConstitutionSUCCESS! But it needed some work. That’s why we added the first 10 AMENDMENTS.
No, because this might mean that these were the ONLY rights we had. We couldn’t possibly list ALL the rights free citizens should have! Yes, because this would ensure that no laws now or in the future could infringe on our basic individual rights. Some people argued against adding a bill of rights. Others advocated adding a bill of rights.
BILL OF RIGHTS 1 st 10 Amendments to the Constitution Outlines our personal, individual rights and liberties
On December 15, 1791, ten amendments were added to the Constitution. The Bill of Rights, along with the Constitution, became the law of the land. The ten amendments in the Bill of Rights guarantee basic liberties.
Freedom of Expression 1st Amendment Religion Separation of church and state Free exercise of religious beliefs Speech Press Assembly & Petition
2 nd Amendment- Right to Bear Arms
2nd Amendment Keep and bear arms. “Well regulated militia” 3rd Amendment Quartering of Soldiers 4th Amendment Search and Seizure
5th Amendment Indictment by Grand Jury. No double jeopardy. Due process of law. Just compensation. Don’t have to testify against yourself. 6th Amendment Speedy, public trial. Impartial jury. Informed of accusation. Witnesses: Right to an attorney. C onfront those against you. Have your own.
7th Amendment Jury trial for civil case. (at least $20) 8th Amendment No excessive bail, fines. No cruel or unusual punishment.
9th Amendment These rights are not the only rights we have. 10th Amendment Powers not delegated by the Constitution are reserved for the states and the people. The founders included in the Constitution a rule stating that it could be amended, or changed. Over time, people and attitudes have changed, and new amendments have been added to protect the rights of all citizens. We the People
Outlaws slavery. 19th Amendment (1920) Women’s right to vote. 13th Amendment (1865) 14th Amendment (1868) All people born or naturalized in the U.S. are citizens. All citizens must be treated equally under the law. Due process of law for all. 15th Amendment (1870) Right to vote cannot be denied based on “race, color, or previous …servitude.” Sometimes called the “Civil War Amendments.” And later...
22 nd Amendment Ensured that a president can only serve 2 terms (or maximum 10 years)
26 th Amendment Changed the legal voting age to 18… Because 18 year olds know what’s right for the country
Categorizing the Amendments: 1-10: Bill of Rights 1 st : Lists our personal freedoms (5) 4-8: Rights of the accused 13-15; 19: Civil Rights 22 and 25- Elections
The End Since the ten amendments in the Bill of Rights were adopted in 1791, the Constitution has been amended only 17 more times.
Wrap-Up Identify which right you feel is the most important and explain why. Identify which right you feel is the least important and explain why.
Constitution Book Project Get 10 pieces of paper, fold them in half, and staple the book Include a cover page titled “The Constitution” with your name and period Include one page for each of the following: - Preamble- 1 page -7 Articles- 1 page Amendments 1-10, 13-15, 19, 22, 26 Leave the last page blank for teacher comments and grade
On each page of your book… Title Short description (USE YOUR NOTES) Symbol (can be hand-drawn or computer generated)
Grading It must be NEAT If you have terrible penmanship, type it, print it, cut it, and paste it Must show effort (you have a week to finish) Must have accurate information Total Points:
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