2 nd Amendment vs. Gun control law By: Peyton Mills 3 rd block class Gun control speech Larry Craig (R) Idaho
Where it took place On June 6, 2000, Senator Larry Craig (R-Idaho) gave a speech on the floor of the U.S. Senate. Senator Craig, an NRA Board Member, defends the Second Amendment, criticizes those who would restrict our rights.
The speech The speech was about Larry Craig defending that people should have the right to bear arms and how these laws are helping not hurting the U.S.A and that having this right isn’t just for hunters its also for the people who have the right to defend themselves if an intruder comes on the property and is posing a threat to the owners.
Repition- The first right of every human being is the right of self-defense. Without that right, all other rights are meaningless. Emotional Appeal- A third school shooting in Springfield, OR, was stopped because some parents took time to teach their child the wise use of guns. So when that young man heard a sound coming from the gun, he rushed the shooter Statistics-very 13 seconds this story is repeated across America. Every 13 seconds in America someone uses a gun to stop a crime. Rhetorical Question-Why do our opponents never tell these stories? Expert Opinion- The Centers for Disease Control report 32,000 Americans died from firearm injuries in Personal Attack-Mr. President, I appear on the floor to speak about a provision of the Constitution of our country that has been under nearly constant attack for 8 years.
The Author Larry Craig a NRA (National Rifle Association) Board Member. (R-Idaho) His stance on the ordeal is that people should have the right to defend there selves when criminals are causing a threat to them. His point of view is that the government should allow people the right to bear arms. His call to action was when the government was considering not allowing people to use there 2 nd amendment the right to bear arms.
The Speech dV9C6d7gK4ZwQgxUc4IRlRPeY-Sw4Jt1CO5vFFb7lq5- obQX5maWQdbtd1VHwc.&URL=http%3a%2f%2fwww.ask.com%2fv ideos%3fch%3dvid%26gct%3dserp%26l%3ddis%26o%3d %26pg%3d1%26q%3dvideos%2520of%2520second%2520amendm ent%2520speeches%2520larry%2520craig%26qsrc%3d180 This is not the speech that was given at the floor at the us senate but here is a video of him explaining his views regarding the speech to NRA members.
My reaction to the speech I think the speech was effective because I would want to be able to defend myself if I had an intruder come into my house. It was effective to me because the 2 nd amendment means a free state cannot exist, our free state of the United States collectively, cannot exist without the right of the people to defend themselves. It makes sense not only am I a big time deer, duck, turkey whatever I enjoy hunting but it isn’t just for people like me. I to want to be able to protect my self in my own home without worrying if someone intruded into my house. This is why I think this speech was effective to me.