WHAT ARE THEY?? First ten amendments added to the Constitution Added because the anti-federalists refused to ratify the Constitution without them. Written by James Madison during the first Congress.
FIRST AMENDMENT Insures the following freedoms: Religion Speech Press Assembly (to meet in a group) Petition (to formally ask the government to change) Also known as the establishment clause because it states that the government cannot establish one religion
SECOND AMENDMENT Keep and bear arms Ability for states to have militias
THIRD AMENDMENT Civilians do not have to quarter soldiers without the consent of the owner. Comes from the Quartering Act King George imposed on the colonists before the Revolutionary War She can tell them she doesn’t want them in her house
FOURTH AMENDMENT The right of the people to secure their persons, houses, papers, and efforts No unreasonable searches and seizures Needs warrants and probable cause to search someone’s belongings
FIFTH AMENDMENT The government cannot force someone to self- incriminate “I plead the fifth” – If you do not want to answer a question in court No double jeopardy
SIXTH AMENDMENT Rights to a fair and speedy trial
SEVENTH AMENDMENT Right to trial by jury
EIGHTH AMENDMENT No excessive bail nor excess fines No cruel and unusual punishments
NINTH AMENDMENT States that this list, the Bill of Rights, are NOT the only rights guaranteed to the people of the United States
TENTH AMENDMENT Anything not written in the Constitution is up to the states to regulate