6 TH G RADE M INI -G OLF P ROJECT Using Google SketchUp
W HAT IS IT ? You will create one hole of mini-golf using Google SketchUp. You will then compute: the area of the green the perimeter of the border material the surface area of three 3-d obstacles create a supply list with pricing for your hole The math is just as important as the design.
H OW MUCH TIME WILL WE SPEND ON THIS ? We will be in the computer lab for one week. We will then work in class (on the math) for one week.
C AN I WORK ON THIS AT HOME ? On the design process? Yes On the math? No
H OW IS THIS BEING GRADED ? Part One Design Green is a complex/composite shape with a width of.9m and a length of 6.25m Green has a border with a minimum height of.9m Green contains a starting pad (40cm x 50cm) and a hole (maximum diameter of 120mm) Green has three student-created 3-d objects Dimensions are included on diagram.
H OW IS THIS BEING GRADED ? Part Two Math Find the area of the green. Find the length of the border material. Find the surface area of three student-created 3-d shapes. Find the amount and cost of required materials.
W HAT ABOUT EXTRA CREDIT ? All project minimums accurately satisfied = 85% Additional points assigned for creativity ONLY AFTER MINUMUM REQUIREMENTS ARE MET But how can I get EXTRA credit? You can add a fourth 3-d object (composite/complex). You can use angles to determine the path to a hole- in-one and turn in an extra.skp file with the path indicated.
W HAT WILL I HAVE TO TURN IN ?.skp file (yourname.skp) will be turned in to dropbox EVERY CLASS. On the due date:.skp file ( ED) printed (NOT ED) SketchUp diagram all computation pages with all work shown, including formulas, organized and in final draft form (no cross- outs) One page (minimum) with length of border computations One page (minimum) with area of green computations Three pages (minimum) with 3-d surface area calculations (one for each object) One page (minimum) with cost of material calculations