My Worth Calmhey Software
Opening Screen My Worth is great at calculating Your Worth. Your Worth is at your finger tips. My Worth is needed for many reasons and by many persons or organizations. Your Insurance Company needs to know Your Worth in order to calculate premiums. Your Government needs to know Your Worth in order to calculate taxes, whether they be for Property, Vehicles or Inheritance. Your legal advisor needs to know Your Worth in order to prepare your Will and administer your estate. My Worth is easy to use. My Worth is designed for Windows 8 so everything is at your fingertips. My Worth can incorporate photos from your Pictures Library of a particular asset. My Worth can Incorporate web sites that are relevant to a particular asset.
Selecting Category When you click on one of the jigsaw pictures all the assets in that category are displayed in the list.
Selecting An Asset When you click on one of the assets in the list the full details are displayed next to the list.
Show Website When you have selected an asset and then click the ‘Show Website’ button the website linked to that asset will be displayed and available to you.
Show Photo When you have selected an asset and then click the ‘Show Photo’ button the image linked to that asset will be displayed.
Add Asset The bottom App Bar must be available and then click the Add button. New information can then be entered in the available fields. Then click the Add button again and the record will be added to the list.
Change An Asset If you want to change the details of an asset select it, change the details and then click the Save button.
Delete Asset If you want to delete an asset then select it and then click the Delete button.
Export All Assets If you click the Export All button then all the assets will be saved as an Xml file called AllMyAssets.xml in your documents folder. You can open this file in many ways such as Notepad, Word, Excel or an Xml reader. You can then print the details or do calculations as required.
Export Selected If you click the Export Selected button then all the assets in the Category selected will be saved as an Xml file called Equipment.xml, Furniture.xml, Investments.xml, Personal.xml, Property.xml or Vehicles.xml respectively. You can open this file in many ways such as Notepad, Word, Excel or an Xml reader. You can then print the details or do calculations as required
Asset Query To query your assets click the Search button on the App Bar and three fields will be displayed for you to enter search criteria.
Fields To Search The first item is the select field pull down menu which displays the fields.
Criteria To Select The second item is the selection criteria again choose from the pull down menu.
Data To Select Enter the data you want to search for. Note that it is case sensitive so office is not the same as Office. Once you have completed the selection data click the search button again and the assets matching your search will be displayed in the list.
Show All Assets Click the Show All button to list all the assets.