MONTHLY REPORT July 2011 Management Division
Engaged Projects This Month Recruitment Update 1 Training Activities 2 Other activities 3 HR information update 4
RECRUITMENT UPDATE Head office IT02 Legal02 Internal Audit 01 Underwriting01 Accounting01 Actuary01 Total08 Hanoi branch BDO01 Collector01 Total02 Danang branch BDO01 Total01 Cantho branch Service center 02 Collector02 Total04 Total: 18 new comers Haiphong branch Service center 01 BDO02 Total03
TRAINING ACTIVITIES No. Name of training courses Number of courses Number of attendants 1. Chairman meeting with new comers Orientation training 14 3.Functional training 19 4.Management training 112 Total 443
New organizational chart
OTHER ACTIVITIES 1.Review and revise Uniform policy Based on the current situation at our company, the Uniform policy has been reviewed, revised and approved by BOD Effective time: July 01, 2011 The new policy has been posted into company system.
OTHER ACTIVITIES 2.Company trip 2011 Organizer: Policy Admin Organizer: Policy Admin Estimated time: Middle of September 2011 Estimated time: Middle of September 2011 Location: Under discussion Location: Under discussion Attendant: All office staff of HCMC office, Dongnai and Cantho branch office Attendant: All office staff of HCMC office, Dongnai and Cantho branch office Notes: For other branches, HR dept. will notice in detail to all CRD soon.
HR INFORMATION UPDATE Converted foreign exchange rate for the second 6 months of st half year nd half year 2011 Converted FX rate18,93220,618 Effective period: July 01, 2011 to December 31, 2011 Based on the Document no. 265/TB-NHNN dated Jun. 30, 2011 issued by State bank regarding to interbank foreign exchange rate VND/USD on July 01, 2011
NEXT MONTH PLAN Recruitment 1 Review and revise some company regulations 2 Loma paper exam registration 3 Fresh graduated student recruitment program 4 Proposal for personal accident insurance 5
11 MONTHLY REPORT IN JULY, 2011 GA Department
12 ENGAGED PROJECT IN THIS MONTH (GENERAL AFFAIRS) A.Office Building Information 1. Hai Phong office Due to actual business requirement, Hai Phong Branch requested to renovate the meeting room on 5 th FL into 2 rooms for BM. Construction will start on July 30, To be finished construction by beginning of August 2011 Generator connection will also be conducted at beginning of August 2011.
13 ENGAGED PROJECT IN THIS MONTH (GENERAL AFFAIRS) A. A.Office Building Information 2. Grand office - Ha Noi Leasing contract is about to expire on July 31, 2011 BOD approved for continuing to lease 03 floors of Grand Building (3 rd, 4 th & 5 th ) New rental term : 02 years (Fr. 01/08/11 to 31/07/13) New rental charge applied :
14 ENGAGED PROJECT IN THIS MONTH (GENERAL AFFAIRS) A. A.Office Building Information 3. N’orch office End of April, 2011, sending an official letter to N’orch Building Landlord to ask for lowering office rental. No feedback received from the Landlord till now. On July 27, 2011, GA Dept. sent another official letter to ask the Landlord to reduce the rental from USD/m 2 to USD/m 2
15 ENGAGED PROJECT IN THIS MONTH (GENERAL AFFAIRS) A. A.Office Building Information 4. Can Tho Agency office (Hung Loi) Finish liquidation of construction contract of Can Tho new Agency Office. Finish all issues related to Fire fighting and prevention requested by Can Tho Police Dept. Documents for management Training course of Fire fighting and prevention Maintain the automatic fire alarm system Equip more fire extinguishers and emergency lights.
16 ENGAGED PROJECT IN THIS MONTH (GENERAL AFFAIRS) B. B.Regulation information : Regulation on Incoming / Outgoing Document Management Status : revised, approved and posted on system. Main revised content : apply the penalty for those who violates the regulation in order to let employees to have more awareness of handling incoming/outgoing documents.
17 ENGAGED PROJECT IN THIS MONTH (GENERAL AFFAIRS) B. B.Regulation information : Regulation on Security and Property Management Status : revised and approved by BOD. (Also sent to Marketing Div. for signature) Main revised content : make clear the responsibility of each Agency Unit regarding property management and key keeping.
18 ENGAGED PROJECT IN THIS MONTH (GENERAL AFFAIRS) B. B.Regulation information : Regulation on Furniture and Office Equipment Management Status : on process of approval. Main content : o o Define fixed assets, furniture and office equipments basing on their value, use and using duration, needed to be managed by Company. o o Stipulate management of asset registration, handing- over, relocation, scrapping, selling, repairing, idling assets handling, inventory checking…
19 ENGAGED PROJECT IN THIS MONTH (GENERAL AFFAIRS) C. C.Assets Inventory (1 st half of 2011) Finish asset inventory checking at all office buildings Keep updating new assets list (if any)
20 NEXT MONTH PROJECT (GENERAL AFFAIRS) Re-decoration of Binh Thanh office: moving Training room from 4F to 2F Construction of 03 interview rooms on 2 nd, 3 rd, 4 th F of Bui Thi Xuan office Small decoration for Ha Phan office and N’orch office (8F) Follow up uniform issue of Branch offices (Ha Noi, Hai Phong, Can Tho,…)
SunSatFriThursWedTuesMon July
Contents Plan for next month Legal News Legal Counsel Terms and Conditions
Legal Counsel Company’s regulations Anti Money Laundering Regulation (F/A Dept.) Internal Audit Regulation (Audit Dept.) New form for using Company’s Stamp
Legal Counsel Members’ Council Meeting (for changing Actuary) Charter (2 nd time of adjustment) Change Head of Branch in Hai Phong (Before: Wilson Chen– Now: Richard Chen)
Legal Counsel LAWSUIT Case 1: Mr. Lan’s case regarding to insurance benefit payment – at the period of mediation Case 1: Mr. Lan’s case regarding to insurance benefit payment – at the period of mediation Case 2: Mr. Tuyen ’s case regarding to labor issue - submitted documents to the Court in Cantho Case 2: Mr. Tuyen ’s case regarding to labor issue - submitted documents to the Court in Cantho LEGALSUGGESTIONS Giving suggestions on new draft of labor law Giving suggestions on new draft of labor law Giving legal advice on Claim cases Giving legal advice on Claim cases Giving legal advice on General Agency model Giving legal advice on General Agency model
Legal News Offshore investment of insurers According to MOF’s explanation, Ministry of Planning & Investment (MPI) will issue certificate for offshore investment of insurers after MOF approves for such projects. It means that if an insurer wants to invest overseas, then 2 important things are: 1.First: Getting approval from MOF on offshore investment project; 2.Second: Getting Investment Certificate from MPI.
Legal News Draft of new Labor Law Vietnam Government has issued a draft of new labor law which some new important contents as follows: CurrentNew Definite term of labor contract: from 12 – 36 months Definite term of labor contract: more than 12 months Labor contract with definite term can sign maximum 2 times Labor contract with definite term can sign: no limit N/AConfidential term shall be effective within 3 years after termination of labor contract & work in any position producing a similar goods which can potentially compete with the previous employer
Legal News Draft of new Labor Law CurrentNew Obligations of the employer if illegally terminate the labor contract: 1)To re-employ the employee; 2)To compensate for time that the employee was not allowed to work at least 2 months’ salary; 3)To compensate the employ extra amount if the employee does not return to work. Obligations of the employer if illegally terminate the labor contract: 1)To re-employ the employee; 2)To compensate for time that the employee was not allowed to work; 3)To compensate the employee at least 2 months’ salary; 4)To compensate the employ extra amount but not exceed 2 months’ salary if the employee does not return to work.
Plan in August 2011 No.Task 1Preparing for expanding the Company’s business scope 2Preparing for changing Actuary of the Company 3Preparing for General Agency’s activities 4Self-assessment on Internal Control 5Revising Charter (second time) 6Follow up Lawsuit 1. Mr. Lan’s case 2. Ms. Tuyen’s case 7Implement Internal Regulation on Anti-money Laundering