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Presentation transcript:

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND TELEWORK CENTER IN KOHTLA-JARVE,ESTONIA TEAMTELEPARK PROJECT OVERVIEW “Inforing AS” company, IST4Balt project participant, Estonia Speaker:Konstantin Baranov – IST4Balt Project manager Co-speaker: Anna Uibo – IST4Balt Project manager assistant

TEAMTELEPARK Creation of information centre important from the several points of view: the city is plenty unemployed (in separate years up to %) and creation of new workplaces is one of priority problem the general educational level of the unemployed and an education system as a whole allows to involve and train the staff for the similar centre the city of Kohtla-Jarve consists of the several parts separated from each other and it is important to have the general information centre for information interchange

Main goals Public promotion of Information Technologies and Telework Public teaching of information technologies basics Professional education of qualified programmers, system analysts, IT-managers, administrators, computer graphics and web designers, including teaching of methods of telework. Joining the educated and qualified IT-professionals into the Information Technology and Telework Center. Development of educational, telework and other public software as a practice for ITTC students and professionals. Development of IT-solutions for the government, public and other non-commercial organizations as a practice for ITTC students and professionals. Support of the ITTC professionals with office spaces, hardware and software. Organization of the telework between clients from European Union and ITTC professionals. TEAMTELEPARK

Key issues Using the mass media, ITTC will promote Information Technologies and Telework as the key solution of the unemployment and other problems ITTC will provide teaching for the students, interested in obtaining professional IT- education with the help of ITTC professionals and qualified IT-consultants As a practice, ITTC students can develop public software for education, telework, etc. as well as IT-solutions for the government, public and other organizations. ITTC will provide free of charge teaching of the basics of information technologies and telework to all interested persons using the ITTC equipment and software developed by ITTC students and professionals. ITTC will find well-paid job for ITTC professionals, including telework orders from the European Union and other countries. ITTC will organize the telework between the foreign clients and ITTC professionals to help them to complete the projects with the highest quality. TEAMTELEPARK

Expected achievements and estimated costs Public promotion of the information technologies and telework and teaching the basics will result in reducing unemployment, crime and raising the quality of life. This will also raise the public level of readiness for Information Society, thus helping Estonia to join European society. Organizing, supporting and providing the well-paid job to ITTC professionals will raise the quality of life in their families as well as in the whole region. Thus the level of life in the region will be increasing up to the European level of life, and the region will be better prepared for joining European Union. Education of the students, additional education for the professionals, sharing the information among them, possibility to use the latest hardware and software, will allow reaching higher levels of education and will result in better competitiveness of the professionals in joint European market. Total estimated costs for creation and promotion of the ITTC is €. TEAMTELEPARK

Contact information Inforing AS (Limited) Tel: IST4Balt Project manager Capt.Konstantin Baranov Tel: IST4Balt Project manager assistant Anna Uibo