T-76.4115 Iteration Demo BitPlayers I2 Iteration 27.2.2006.


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Presentation transcript:

T Iteration Demo BitPlayers I2 Iteration

T Iteration demo 2 Agenda  Project status (20 min)  achieving the goals of the iteration  project metrics  Work results (20min)  presenting the iteration’s results  demo  Used work practices (5 min)  Free discussion (15min)

T Iteration demo 3 Introduction to the project  Topic: ContextMUPE  Customer: HIIT (Helsinki Institute of Information Technology)  Goal 1: Integrate MUPE (Multi-User Publishing Environment) and ContextPhone so that it is possible to use context data in MUPE applications  Goal 2: Develop with ContextMUPE an application that demonstrates the use of context information. ContextPhoneMUPE Context information ContextMUPE

T Iteration demo 4 Status of the iteration’s goals  Goal 1: Development, integration and testing of ContextMUPE  Development and integration completed  Testing still under work, will be continued until 1.3.  Goal 2: Developing ContextMUPE application  Completed  testing performed on application with pre-created context data  Integration testing with ContextMUPE system ongoing, will be continued until 1..3  Goal 3: Peer testing  CoMedia system tested and reported successfully  CoMedia performed testing on demo application with pre-created context data: 1 major and 1 minor bug found.  Goal 4: Documenting  Final report, Technical Architecture, User Guide (ContextMUPE & application) and Peer testing documentation and SEPA diaries added  Test documents need to be updated whe testing complete.

T Iteration demo 5 Status of the iteration’s deliverables  Software  OK, except testing still ongoing, some comments to be added in code  Final report  OK (testing –related information missing)  Technical specifications document  OK  User guide for ContextMUPE developer  OK  User guide for demo application  OK  Test reports  Under work  SEPA diaries  OK  Updated Requirements document  OK  Updated Terminology document  OK

T Iteration demo 6 Realization of the tasks  Show status and effort distribution per task or task group  Programming effort clearly uderestimated!  Testing still ongoing, continues until 1.3.  Inrastructure difficulties StatusRealPlanDiff(Left) Project Managementok 16h15min37h+20h45min0h Designok 40h30min50h+9h30min0h Programmingok 298h15min72h-226h15min0h Testing & QAunfinished 37h15min41h+3h45min30h Documentingunfinished 73h30min128h+54h30min10h Infrastructureok 36h55min15h-21h55min0h Meetingsok 32h102h+70h0h Studyingok 27h20min0h-27h20min0h Total 562h445h-11760h

T Iteration demo 7 Working hours by person  Surprises in proxy  Testing environment difficult to set up  Some parts had to be redeveloped  A lot of debugging Realized hours in I2 iterationPlan in the beginning of this iteration PPI1I2Total Hattula10h30min99h05min63h172h30min Kauranen56h66h55min67h189h55min Kemppai25h46h15min65h136h15min Lauerma31h61h55in85h177h55min Lindstedt9h30min110h25min50h169h55min Saarinen6h30min52h25min115h173h55min Total138h30min437h445h1016h Latest plan PPI1I2Total Hattula10h30min99h05min163h30min273h Kauranen56h66h55min64h186h55min Kemppai25h46h15min38h30min109h45min Lauerma31h61h55min53h30min146h25min Lindstedt9h30min110h25min109h30min229h25min Saarinen6h30min52h25min133h191h55min Total138h30min437h562h1137h30min RealPlanDiff Hattula 163h30min63h+100h30m Kauranen 64h67h-3h Kemppainen 38h30min65h-26h30min Lauerma 53h30min85h-31h30min Lindstedt 109h30min50h+59h30min Saarinen 133h115h-18h Total h-117

T Iteration demo 8 Quality assessment  So far no thorough, systematic testing has been done  Will continue until 1.3. and update  Peer group tested demo application with predefined context data  3 bugs found (1 minor one major)

T Iteration demo 9 Software size in Lines of Code (LOC)  Remarks  Some refactoring and debugging will be done until 1.3., size not likely to change much PPI1I2 Proxy Test application GUI Total (NCLOC + COM)

T Iteration demo 10 Changes to the project  Requirements abandoned:  F2.3. Access context data history (priority 2)  F2.4. Mupe application specific filtering (priority 3)  F3.1. Log debug data (priority 2)  F3.2. Set debug data level (priority 2)  F4.2. Mupe cache (priority 3)  Requirements not implemented  F7.2. Demo application: Demonstrates all ContextMupe functionalities (priority 2)  Demo application specifications changed since last demo

T Iteration demo 11 Risks  Risks materialized during iteration:  Testing environment very difficult to set up -> delay  Information on ContextPhone functionality had not been accurate -> needed to reimplement, integrate and test some parts -> delay  Questions regarding ContextPhone answered slowly –> delay  Proxy had lots of bugs -> extensive debugging!!!  Project not finished on due date -> almost finished, will continue working until Wednesday

T Iteration demo 12 Results of the iteration  ContexMUPE  Implemented & integrated, testing will continue until 1.3.  Demo application  Implemented & integrated, has been tested with predefined ContextData  Testing with ContextMUPE will continue until 1.3.  Documentation  Ok except for test documents  DEMO

T Iteration demo 13 Used work practices  mandatory practices  Iterative development, iteration planning, documenting, risk management, time reporting, software size reporting, communication, iteration demo, version control, coding convention, peer testing.  other practices  Weekly meetings (status reports)  Meetings with customer  Group design/programming sessions  Project tracking in excel  New communication (messenger)  SEPA  Reflection Workshop  Refactoring  (Design Patterns)

T Iteration demo 14 Group feedback on project  Complex, undocumented system not optimal to work on in student projects  Finding information on open issues is difficult and delays the project  Impossible to estimate effort  Demotivates students  The project was not enjoyable at all times but a lot of lessons were learned…  Beginning of project crucial – EVERYONE must participate actively  Need to define critical activities and anticipate possible delays  You can not see too much of each other!  Don’t let anyone become irreplaceable