Starters Course: Business Communication Terri Yueh 樂麗琪


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Presentation transcript:

Starters Course: Business Communication Terri Yueh 樂麗琪

Studying English Please think about your previous experience of studying English: What is your strength and your weakness in English? What is the enjoyable part for your English learning? What are the challenges? How do you like learning English? Do you know your own learning style? Do you study alone, with a partner, or in groups? Do you think you are a good communicator? How well can you communicate with people? What are the strategies you use to communicate effectively? Why do you take this course? What is your expectation to the course?

About the course BZC Course Info AIEDL platform 英才網學習平台使用方法 AIEDL platform 英才網學習平台使用方法 學生進教室.htm

Something you should do… Find out your learning style Find out your learning style Practice Mock test for TOEIC Practice Mock test for TOEIC Read the assigned materials on the ENGsite and practice TOEIC questions weekly. Ask questions or ask for help if you have any. Be active, energetic, and joyful through the program!