Future Workshop Peace Education Around the World 9th-11th of Feb, 2004, Feldafing (Germany) Dr. Heino Apel German Institute for Adult Education
Agenda – working group Future Workshop Introductions The Method Future Workshop Clarifying questions Operation of a „critique phase“ Strengts and weakness, fields of application
Content Definition Future workshop as a problem solving method Phases and rules tools Strength and weakness Examples
A future workshop is: a method, even a process to solve questions of a very perspective, future nature. a creative problem solution technology a tool for citizens groups for planning a better future The origin: Developed by Robert Jungk and Norbert Müllert during the citizens movements against governmental bureaucracy and technocratic large-scale projects in the 1970s. Influenced by the critical theory (Adorno, Hegel) and creative techniques.
Problem Solution Technology vs. Future Workshop Problem Solu.Tech: Identification of the problem Looking for solutions choice of a suitable solution Implementation suitable yes/no Future workshop: Criticism of a bad existing solution freely from subject compulsions look for utopian solutions Transformation from utopian ideas by feasible solutions rational creative
General rules for a future workshop Refer to your own experience Inform, but don’t be missionary Listen to others Do not judge too early Don’t bother with long, detailed stories Don’t give advice, make proposals Don’t generalize, be concrete
Critique phase Designed to draw out specific issues and problems in question / producing a critical problem understanding Steps: –Criticism collection (by written cards / brainstorming) –Systematization (clustering) on a pin board –Judgments, condense, deepen, priorities Alternatives: “Strength – weakness” or “pro – contra” brainstorm analysis Questionnaires, interviews, literature search
Rules for the Critique phase Brainstorming! No discussions! –Avoid discussions on principles –Only short questions of comprehension are allowed Criticism only in keywords Keep up subject relations Visualize all statements
Fantasy phase Aims at –avoiding obvious and generally known solutions and –including non verbalized, intuitive knowledge Goal: try to solve the problem without reflecting restrictions, frame conditions, without barriers in mind. Do it without pure rational procedures/calculations! Hope: to find unconventional solutions, more suited to the demand of the affected people. Motto: –What would we do, if there were no constraints, no money missing, no restrictive laws,..? –What would we do, if a fairy fulfils us all wishes?
Procedure of the fantasy phase Imaginative introduction (meditation, work walk,..) Turn critique points into the opposite (bad to good) as starting points Collect ideas (brain writing) Preparing and performing a role play, fable, report, painting, fairytale to a fantastic story (as group work) A common analysis of these performances with regard to good solutions / ideas Extract, write down a “idea store” on a pin board
Rules of the Fantasy phase free thought play, open minded Pick up other thoughts, modify, develop them farther produce masses of ideas – to find a view good ones Don’t discuss and don’t criticize ideas brought forward “killer phrases” are forbidden choose free presentations like plays, collages, pantomime, …
Implementation phase Analyse/value the concepts of the “idea store” with regard to realistic conditions and best fit (“Pro-Con”-method) Put in more concrete terms the best suited concepts (group work) Choose the best one Build an action plan: Who does what, where, when and how?
Tools (prepared boards) for the future workshop Idea, concept, process,.. +- questions What (task)? Who is responsible when how (action) whereremarks Action plan Plus-Minus method
Pitfalls in future workshops Suitable size (12-24 participants) Suitable length (3h: short, 1 ½ day: normal, 1 week: long) Keep on the central theme Entry into and transition of phases The critique phase should not turn down the emphasis Hierarchies, inequities among the participants hamper openness Too much or too little moderation! Role of moderator! Non fantasy in the fantasy phase! Too closed to reality Hardly transferable utopian ideas Crash after future phase – hard landing in reality Nobody will act in the implementation phase Criticism predominates the perspectives in the implementation phase
Strength of future workshop Democratic way of decision-making High commitment of the participants with regard to the outcomes Using the local knowledge and the experience of the concerned people It might help to find new/alternative solutions, new views a learner activating procedure A method rich, holistic procedure It activates hidden qualities of people
Which subjects are suitable? Most suitable are project developments with involved people: –There is a common goal –You can use the available knowledge –You get identification with the project –You get responsibilities (action plan) There are “real” projects (like youth center) or “abstract” ones (like “future education in primary schools”) Don’t choose subjects which are far away of the participants experience
Examples of future workshops to create a youth center with the youth in agenda 21 processes to find models of future development paths future of environmental education to treat the problem of alcoholism at work with stewards of airplanes Looking for a new corporate identity social education business
Future workshop an example on peace education Preparation: 2-3 pm Introductions Critique Phase 3-18 pm Brainstorming … evening dinner, open end.. Phantasie Phase 9-12 am group work, performences,… idea store Implementation Phase 1-4 pm Concretization, Selection, action plan „Permanent workshop“, the follow up, start of real implementation
Future workshop on peace education: initials Critique phase: “What don’t you like in Peace Education?” Fantasy phase: “A fary comes to you and offers you mony, time, any equipment for exploring new ways of peace education! Start, what would you do?” Implementation: 1. groupwork on 3 propsed models 2. select the most suited 3. action plan Follow up meeting to exchange experience to support
Future workshops in peace education? It’s your turn!