Planning Higher Order Skills into Teaching for Deep Learning Session 7
Reflective Questions What are thinking skills and higher order skills? Why are thinking skills and higher order skills integral to Curriculum for Excellence? In what way can thinking and higher order skills impact on pupil learning? How should thinking and higher order skills be taught? What is the current thinking and debate around the role of higher order skills in learning? What do you think? How can I integrate higher order skills with my classroom teaching? How can I ensure I am providing a balanced progression within higher order skills?
Learning Intention We are learning about the role of thinking and higher order skills in teaching for understanding
Success Criteria I can: Understand how thinking skills and higher order skills have gained increasing importance as part of our education system Explain how thinking and higher order skills impact on pupil learning and understanding Plan how to integrate thinking and higher order skills into teaching for understanding
Impact Where is your understanding of these elements of Higher Order Skills at this point on a rating of 1 – 6? 1 being low understanding 6 being high understanding
Format : Welcome Paired task – Pair & share Individual Reading - Hand out 1 Group task – Hand out 1 – groups of 4 to discuss Whole group task – Videos, Group task – Hand out 2 Extension Task/Action Plan Individual evaluation
Pre-task Let’s share your responses to these questions: What are thinking skills and higher order skills? Why are thinking skills and higher order skills integral to Curriculum for Excellence? In what way can thinking and higher order skills impact on pupil learning? Pair and share – 5 mins
Individual & Group Tasks Reading from Hand out 1- highlight/note the most important points – mins Form groups of 4 – extract and discuss the important information you highlighted from this reading 3-step interview or other strategy - 5 mins
Whole Group Task View Video clips: 7.1- De Bono - discrete teaching Carol McGuiness – considering the options – David Perkins - offering an organic and integrated approach Brief sharing of reactions to these - 2 mins
Groups of 4 Study and discuss your Higher Order Skill Task Sheets 2.a) – e) Work together to devise your alternative learning scenario Share with whole group (or study as a follow on task) 10 mins
Extension Suggestions? Study the HOS lesson scenarios created and work together to try some more Collaborative re-versioning of a familiar lesson by deciding on learning intentions and success criteria linked to particular HOS Extension reading as desired – whole of Hand out 1 text
Teacher Action Plan? Individual decisions on what to try next and how you’d like to do this – or co-ordinate as a staff? Note the balance of Higher Order Skills used and the degree of progression being enabled within each skill It may be useful to look at planning documents to assess balance and progression in these too Focus on learning intentions and success criteria to integrate Higher Order Skills with curricular skills
Evaluation Where would you rate your understanding of these elements of Higher Order Skills now using a rating 1 – 6?