Reading Intervention Mrs. Sydnor
My name is Deana Sydnor and I was born and raised in Phoenix, Arizona. I received my Bachelors degree in Elementary Education from Arizona State University and my Masters degree in Education Leadership from Northern Arizona University. This is my 16 th year teaching at Altadeña. In addition to teaching the reading intervention classes, I am the Altadena librarian and Spelling Bee coordinator. I have a passion for reading and hope to pass this love on to my students! I enjoy writing, reading, traveling, and spending time with my family and 8 year old son!
Purpose Designed for at grade level students who need a boost in their reading skills Accelerate students’ reading growth as soon as possible The four main reading strategies that we focus on become a habit and students will begin to use the strategies subconsciously when reading any text Students become fluent oral readers and feel comfortable reading aloud Students develop a love of reading
Three Resources Soar to Success small group reading intervention program Uses authentic literature, reciprocal teaching, and graphic organizers in fast-paced lessons to help middle school students accelerate their reading growth. Jamestown online reading program Addresses reading skills such as comprehension, main idea, summary, sequencing, making inferences, etc. AIMS Web – fluency, decoding
Soar to Success 2 major goals: Accelerate students’ reading abilities as quickly as possible Helps students learn to use the skills of a good reader in all of their classes and their everyday life The program is designed to be used with a group of five to seven students
Soar to Success 28 books in the series that increase in complexity as the students move through the program 5 categories I: Small amount of print, text is easy to follow II: Text increases, pictures support the text, main idea is clear III: Books are longer, main idea increases in complexity IV: Story lines are more complex (subplots), some critical thinking, main idea becomes layered with sub-topics, chapter books V: page books, little to no picture support, complex story lines, multiple characters/problems, problems are more sophisticated, information needs to be found
The 5 Rs Revisit Review Rehearse Reading/Reciprocal Teaching Responding/Reflecting
Revisiting Read alone or with a partner Quick informal assessments Group Conference Builds fluency Develops comprehension Builds a connection
Reviewing Summarize previous day’s reading using graphic organizers Students and teacher discuss strategies used when reading Develops comprehension Keeps students focused on good comprehension strategies
Rehearsing Quick text walk, preview of text Predict, K-W-L chart Practice key vocabulary Fluency practice Builds background Sets purpose Vocabulary development Builds fluency
Reading Reciprocal Teaching Read the selected text to verify predictions and answer questions Students lead discussion following the four reading strategies: PREDICT CLARIFY QUESTION SUMMARIZE Applies strategies, develops comprehension Develops ability to construct meaning
Responding Reflecting Students choose to: write a response, complete a graphic organizer, reflect on strategies, discuss and share Comprehension Use of strategies
Jamestown online reading program Twice a week Addresses reading skills such as comprehension, main idea, summary, sequencing, making inferences, decoding, and fluency. Reading progress is monitored Print material is used to reinforce areas of concern Can be used from any computer
AIMS WEB “MAZE” Reading decoding program Completed every Friday Three minute drill Monitors students’ comprehension and decoding Students track their own progress
Other resources Scholastic Action Magazine – Boosts reading skills with current events and student interest stories – great for reluctant readers! Wild Side series, works on critical thinking skills – part of the Jamestown series Every Friday we practice oral fluency Students track their own progress Results will be tracked by teacher
Progress Reports Quarterly progress report in lieu of a grade No homework will be assigned 1. MAZE Benchmark scores 2. Jamestown scores 3. Fluency - WPM
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