International Conference on Enhancement and Innovation in Higher Education Crowne Plaza Hotel, Glasgow 9-11 June 2015 Welcome
Project history Structure Programme Engagement Evaluation Future Questions
PG UG History PG UG Film PG UG IR PG UG Management PG UG Geography & SD PG UG Modern Langs. PG UG Philosophy PG UG Classics PG UG Divinity PG UG Art History
Structure diagram School Project Coordinator CAPOD Director of Teaching Primary Workshop Leader Secondary Workshop Leader
Thinking Critically, Thinking Geographically Visual Analysis Trip (Art History) How to Argue Like a Philosopher How Do I Watch Film? Research in IR Speaking Skills (Modern languages) Analysis and Use of Different Sources (Classics) = £71.78 / £5.56
Engagement “It matters what students think is normative for students in their discipline. If you identify as a student in a discipline and see deep learning is normative, you are more likely to engage in deep learning; reciprocally, if you already engage in deep learning, then your identification as a student of the subject will increase.” Dr Kenneth Mavor
Undergraduates Directors of Teaching School coordinators Workshop leaders
What is expected of me is much clearer now. I feel more comfortable and confident about beginning my academic studies here. [Student participant]
I think it’s helped me understand our students better, improve my communication with students, and to manage expectations – of myself, students and tutors [School Coordinator]
I think it has taught me about teaching to different levels of students [Workshop Leader]
This should be ideally permanent in the Arts. It has proven to be very positively reviewed both by PGRs delivering workshops and students’ take up and responses. [Director of Teaching]