IT Skills in the West Midlands Steve Astington, Skills Development Manager, LSC West Midlands Regional Skills Team
Review of Education & Training in the ICT Sector 06/07 IT Professional workforce - 90,000 people IT Users - estimation of 1.6 million (total regional workforce of 2.3 million) IT sector - fastest growth rate predicted up to 2014 of all sectors covered by a Sector Skills Agreement ands/research/Draft%20Sector%20Reviews /Sector%20Reviews% /wmrICT%20Sector%20Review_FinalJune 2007.pdf
Supply and Demand Issues from Review Increase delivery of iTQ and other priority qualifications, combined with flexible delivery models to engage employers Reduce oversupply of lower level provision and increase provision at level 3 and above Drive up demand for apprenticeships by meaningful employer engagement Integration of vendor based learning into existing programmes Develop clear progression pathways into appropriate HE courses
Skills Action Plan (March 2008) Step change in ambitions for the knowledge, skills and talents of everyone who lives, works and studies in the West Midlands Public statement by key stakeholders Significant outcomes achieved by % increase in number of employers employing apprentices rising to 18,000 employers LSC funding for apprenticeships for young people rising by 10% New LSC funding for adult apprenticeships sc/WestMidlands/nat skillsactionplan-mar08.pdf
Train to Gain Impartial, independent advice on training to businesses across England Investment in TtG will increase to £657 million in 2008 – 09 Full Level 2 and 3 targets Employer responsive model to support Skills for Life, Levels 2 and 3 including employer based NVQ’s linked to an expansion of demand led funding Brokerage service including larger employer account management (1000 to 4999 employees)
Qualifications Credit Framework From August 2008, a progressive alignment of funding with vocational qualifications approved by Sector Skills Councils Qualification Credit Framework (QCF) will gradually enable single unit accreditation and funding to allow learning to be built up over time New qualifications being developed by SSC’s to fit with QCF development New IT Professional qualifications that include specific vendor skills
Training Quality Standard An assessment framework designed to recognise and celebrate the best organisations delivering training and development solutions to employers.
What did the LSC do? Set up the IT Specialist Provider Network in the West Midlands to partner with quality training providers Worked closely with Advantage West Midlands (RDA) to address skill related issues Funded CPD training programme for Learning Provider staff to increase potential for iTQ delivery Funded projects on sector focussed delivery of iTQ in Leisure and Tourism and the Public Sector Initiated a new Black Country IT apprenticeship programme Funded an SME development programme to engage ICT employers and deliver NVQ L3 qualification linked to vendor based training
Some ICT Training Issues Regional Development Agency are prioritising increased adoption of ICT through ITAS (IT advisory service) – IT User and Professional training potential Need for a far more business focussed approach to much delivery of IT training – businesses interested in skill gap solutions – don’t try to sell qualifications or courses Need to address actual skill gaps of employers and employees Need strong linkage to Brokerage Service Reduce qualification bureaucracy to a minimum level e.g. through use of e-portfolios Use technology to support skills delivery and assessment – flexibility of delivery is often a key
New Developments Supporting increased flexibility in iTQ delivery Marketing campaign of iTQ to employers Expansion of IT Professional delivery through focussed TtG delivery and Increasing IT apprenticeships through focussed delivery projects IT Employer Dinner
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