Unit 2 “Personal Financial Decisions”
Personal Financial Planning is arranging to spend, save, and invest money to live comfortably, have financial security, and achieve goals. Some benefits are: Protecting your financial resources Helping to avoid too much debt, bankruptcy, and dependence on others A sense of freedom from financial worries Financial Decisions & Goals
Make a list of items that relate to your finances Savings Monthly income Job, allowance, gifts, interest on bank accounts Monthly expenses Money you spend – lunch, gas, movies, cell phone Debts Money you owe to others Step 1 - Determine Your Current Financial Situation
What is your attitude toward money?? Is it more important to you to SPEND money now or SAVE for the future? Job after high school or college? Do your personal values affect your financial decisions? Needs vs. Wants Step 2 – Develop Your Financial Goals
It’s impossible to make a good decision unless you know ALL your options Suppose that you save $50 a month—you could: Continue the same course of action Expand situation – increase the amount you save Change the current situation – invest the money Take a NEW course of action – use the money to pay off debt Step 3 – Identify Alternative Courses of Action
Look at your situation in life Consider the consequences and risks of each decision you make Look at PROS and CONS to each decision Check out the many sources of financial information available Internet, banks, magazines, specialists Evaluate ALL risk associated with handling money Inflation, interest, income, personal, liquidity Step 4 – Evaluate Your Alternatives
These are guided by your goals Re-evaluate when necessary This changes throughout your financial life Step 5 – Create and USE Your Financial Plan of Action
Personal Financial Goals Why do people have money problems? The main reason is because they do not plan how they will use their money!
Time Frame Goals Short-term – 1 year or less Intermediate – 2 to 5 years Long-term – more than 5 years Goals for Different Needs Services – person or machine Goods – consumable, durable and intangible Types of Financial Goals
Your financial goals should be: Realistic Specific Have a clear time frame Should help you decide what type of action to take Guidelines
Life situations Personal Values Economic factors and conditions Market forces Financial institutions Global influences Consumer prices Consumer spending Interest rates Influences on Personal Financial Planning
1. Obtain – Obtain financial resources by working, investing, owning property 2. Plan – plan how you will spend your $$ 3. Spend Wisely – spend what you can afford 4. Save – have a savings plan right away 5. Borrow Wisely – don’t get into too much debt 6. Invest – choose a variety of different options 7. Manage Risk – you need insurance 8. Plan for Retirement – what age would you like to stop working and what kind of life do you want to lead? Achieving Your Financial Goals