21 st May pm WHO conference room Assets and Infrastructure Working Group
Before TC PamImmediately after (first 72hrs) Emergency phase (72hrs to 6 weeks) Facility baseline established for MOH facilities Facility baseline established for Community Aps Fixed Asset and Inventory Lists available for each facility Procurement of water protection measures for locally based offices Staff contact list updated and comms plan (via private network) established (SMS) Establishment of supply agreement with local hardware store under credit arrangement Procurement of construction services from local providers Response by local service providers to maintain power supply to VCH and assist with connection of waste management system Coordination with international responders for priority of works (USAR /AUSMAT / DART) Procurement authority framework in place to be able to undertake procurement activities MOH budget available for support to cyclone related procurement Formulation of damage estimates based on infrastructure assessments Integration of Health and Public Works Infrastructure assessments Ease of compilation for damages and losses due to baseline information
Before TC PamImmediately after (first 72hrs) Emergency phase (72hrs to 6 weeks) Lack of disaster resilience measures in place throughout all infrastructure (Cyclone Shutters) No alternate communications available to MOH (VHF/HF/UHF) GPS coordinates and associated mapping incorrect (2006) Finance availability for rapid procurement (limited access to cash and non-functioning LPO system) Staff inability to access Port Vila reduced office staffing by 50% No contingency planning in place for staff contact after No standby facilities available for cold chain support, mortuary facilities No ToR for PWD led Infrastructure Working Group and confusion as to how MOH Infrastructure is managed Productive time per day for heads of WG limited to 2-3 hours with remainder in meetings until week 5 Multiple documentation for Health Facility Assessment (Infrastructure vs Health) Coordination with other working groups took longer than it should have Use of PHM and Hospital Management POCs still not enough (National Control issues)
Before DisasterImmediately after (first 72hrs) Emergency phase (72hrs to 6 weeks) Based on Provincial Resource Review Information, define facilities in need of disaster resilience measures Establish alternate communications at MOH or NDMO for MOH draw down. Establishment of alternate power systems or preferred supplier agreement in place to activate on disaster occurrence Preferred supplier agreements in place for goods, services and works which can be activated after a disaster occurrence Role Delineation completed and signed off Established infrastructure database with assessment report standardisation Establishment of a standing imprest once warning system is activated (500,000 Vatu) Contingency plan for no comms in place (i.e Rendevous location and set timings once all clear is given) Procurement of standby facilities for cold chain / morgue setup (re-role after disaster clearance) or agreements with suppliers for use of set-ups Clear guidance to Cluster on Cluster system and interactions that should occur Establishment of Operation rooms for clusters (where possible) to achieve better work flows Ability to scale up for routine support to MOH Infrastructure, for assessment and rapid procurement Limit membership to other clusters and ensure support from MOH Cluster on limiting input (time)